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Having a secret relationship with your advisor is something you did not expect. 

But,  hey,  Rowan is handsome and smart,  you can't deny that.

Wait. You are the one who wrote him like that,  so there is no need to worry about him being manipulative.

But,  you never imagined that he would cry over something so silly.

You admit that men's tears are your weakness.

"I do not know who did you hear from that I'm in a relationship with David,  but it is a rumor"

You assure him, hoping that he would get off of you.

"I'm so glad," Rowan says.

Before wrapping his arms around your waist and laying on your left side,  hugging you.

Your face heats up as you feel Rowan's hot breath in between your ear and neck,  sending shivers down your spine.

Damn it,  you have never been like that with a man before,  it feels overwhelming.

"I'm delighted to know that you still enjoy my company,  my queen"

You stay silent before speaking again.

"I want to sleep"

Your advisor stands up and walks to the chair beside your bed and sits down.

"Sleep well"

You stare at him in confusion as you thought he would leave.

"Umm... what are you doing?"

Rowan gives you a strange look making you that you made him feel suspicious.

"Staying here until you fall asleep, just like I do every night... wasn't that your request?"

"Yes, I know, but tonight I would like to sleep alone" 

Rowan nods and walks over to the doors,  but before leaving,  he bows his head in departure.

"Have a good night's sleep,  your highness"

"You too,  my Lord"

Once the doors are closed,  you let out a sigh of relief,  and place a hand on your heart.

"I need to set my properties straight"

You start remembering what you wrote in your novel.

The whole reason why there's a conflict between the two kingdoms in the first place is because of an old conflict.

An old conflict between twin siblings,  a girl named Laylit,  and a boy named Kyalit.

Both were the children of the emperor at a time when the Eastern and Western empires were united. 

After the emperor's death, his will stated that Laylit rules the eastern empire while Kyalit rules the western empire.

But instead of ruling separately,  the twin decided to co-reign together.

Unfortunately,  that caused conflicts between them later on.

As Laylit was religious and cared more about following rules, meanwhile her twin brother believed that people should follow their desires.

As a result,  both siblings ended up murdering each other,  leaving behind no successors, as both didn't have spouses.

Some rumors stated that their relationship was kind of sus, especially during their youth.

But you wrote it off as just 'rumors' by the western empire because you don't want Targaryen stuff in your book.

Their story is kind of sad,  that's why you want to prevent the events from repeating themselves.

When you were about to fall asleep after hours of thinking about tomorrow.

You hear screams echo through the palace.

A burning smell reaches your nose.

You quickly stand up from your bed and rush towards the doors,  opening them.

Maids are seen running in the hallways,  holding buckets of water.

"Your Highness,  please stay inside for your safety"

One of the guards says,  but you ignore his words.

"What is going on? " you demand.

"Queen Ingrid's chambers lit up on fire"

Your eyes widen in horror.

Queen Ingrid is David's mother who came to the celebration with him.

If she dies.

You are pretty sure that the Western emperor won't let that slide.

And will start a war. 

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