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"Do you wish for the honest truth?"

"Enlighten me"

"I do not wish to marry you."

You confess to Levaan, who only smiles at you, not angry by your confession but rather amused.

Both of you are walking in the gardens, so it helps provide more privacy.

"Can you give me a reason why you don't wish to marry me?"

You stay silent, so the king decides to ask a question to confirm why you don't wish to marry him.

"Am I not handsome?"

"No, you are very handsome," you deny quickly.

"Is it because of my personality?"

"You have a nice personality," you admit.

"Is my age a reason for your refusal?"


Levaan's expression turns confused at your answers, finding them absurd.

"Then why do you not wish to marry me?"

You look anywhere but at him as you answer his inquiry.

"Because I wish to wait a few years to get married," you explain, hoping that he will understand.

"I see. So, it's not due to the rumours of you having a lover?"

You chuckle nervously, remembering that Rowan thinks you both are lovers.

"No, and my beliefs forbid any type of romantic relationship before marriage."


Levaan seems unconvinced, as he narrows his eyes at you suspiciously.

"Well, then, how do you believe we should confirm our alliance and make sure it lasts?"

"Through a defence treaty."

The King stops walking, causing you to do the same, as he turns his body fully towards you.

"And what does this defence treaty include?" you smile.

"If any of our kingdoms go to war, we are obliged to help each other with military protection."

"This is not enough."

'Tell him that you will also provide a free trading passage through our ports'

You decide to follow Adam's order.

"Furthermore, I shall also facilitate a free trading passage through my ports for your ships" you propose, your eyes twinkling with ambition.

Levaan raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your suggestion.

"Interesting," he muses. "But what guarantee do I have that this alliance will truly benefit my kingdom?"

You step closer to him, your voice filled with conviction.

"With this alliance, we can create a legacy of prosperity and unity. Together, our kingdoms will flourish, our people will thrive, and our names will be etched in history as visionary leaders."

Levaan's skeptical expression softens, a flicker of admiration gleaming in his eyes.

"You have quite the persuasive tongue," he admits, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

You smile back, grateful that he is beginning to see the possibilities.

"So, what do you say, Your Majesty? Shall we solidify our alliance and embark on a journey of shared power and endless possibilities?"

Levaan's smile widens, his hand extending towards you.

"Let our alliance be forged in the fires of unity and our union be a testament to the strength of our partnership," he declares.

As you clasp his hand, you know that you have gained a strong ally.

'You still have a long way to go, darling'

Adam's voice echoes through your mind.

'Don't worry, I will bring glory to my kingdom, Adam'

You think in your mind.

'Our Kingdom'

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