"Can I ask you something?"


"Why jump at the first guy? Why not wait and see if it's somebody else out there for you?"

"You think I'm desperate?" I asked with an arched brow. Oddly enough Mariah asked me why I jumped as this opportunity too.

"You want me to be honest?"


"I wouldn't say you're desperate for a man, you just wanted a push to help you get over me. He presented you with an opportunity and you took it. I think you're desperate to prove to yourself and everybody else that you're capable of moving on because so many people doubted you. Am I right?"

"Foods ready." Quickly turning around, I went and searched for bowls.

"You hate hearing the truth."

"I'm not mad about what you said, shocked for sure."

"I want to question why you wanted to get over me so badly after making me feel like we had a chance but I want to make the best of this trip."

After that, nothing was said and that was best. I gave him his food then sat down and ate. Once we were done, we cleaned up and went our separate ways.

When I got upstairs, I put on my pajamas and climbed in bed. I grabbed my phone that I'd been ignoring and there was a few texts from Lucas and a missed FaceTime call.

I read the texts first.

I miss you

When will you have some time to talk to ya man?


Exhaling, I got ready to call him back when Chris appeared in my doorway. Locking my phone, I tossed it next to me.

"It's this new show on Netflix that I wanna watch. Wanna watch it with me?"

"Of course."

He nodded while walking over to my dresser and picking up the remote, then he sat at the end of the bed.

"What's it called?"

"Fool me Once. Hoody keeps telling me to watch it."

"I think I saw a little bit on TikTok."

"I hope it's good."

"Me too."

"I don't really trust Hoody's judgment on shows."

"Facts." I laughed.

The room grew quiet again and I watched him navigate through the TV. "Remind me to log out my shit."

"Got you."

He brought up the show then pressed play. We focused on the tv. Well my eyes went from the screen to the back of his head repeatedly. He looked so uncomfortable.

"Chris." I called out.

"Yeah." He looked back at me and I patted the spot next to me.

"You're going to have a knot in your neck."

"Hand me a pillow."

"Seriously Chris?"

"I'm trying to respect boundaries. I can't be laid up with you knowing that I gotta move on. You know me being up there with you ain't cool. I'll lay down here."

Having no choice but to respect that I handed him the pillow he asked for.

The room grew quiet again and we watched the show.

Checkmate - THE FINAL LEVELWhere stories live. Discover now