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I wasn't drinking this time. I was perfectly sober as Han guided me throughout the crowd, one hand resting on my back.

– You like it ? he asked in my ear from time to time.

This party was far less wild than the fraternities. In the house where Han and five other guys of the team lived, they had installed cozy poufs and no-music rooms where the guests could rest if they were tired. Beautiful photos were hanging on the walls, portraits of students and teachers and beautiful lights games on the bricks of the university, and pictures of the forest and snow. Vermont College, in all its beauty.

– Who took them ?, I asked Han.

He arked his eyebrows again, like he was looking for an answer. He had seemed like that in the car too, when I had asked him if Raquel played hockey as well. Like he didn't know what to answer, like he didn't want to piss me off – which was honnestly super weird. But, as Alex had reminded me getting out of the car (she had been invited, too : aparently Coach Haymes wanted her to film a spot for the team) : 'No overthinking it, Chess'.

Han finally replied : My sister. And me, for some.

– Really ?, I asked. Which ones ?

Something sad passed through his eyes, and he said :

– I don't really remember. It was a long time ago. I don't get time much time for photography, now I'm captain. It's my sister's thing now.

I knew he was lying. If he said time eluded him, it meant he needed it to photograph. It meant he considered photography as an art you must dedicate to. And the pictures on the walls had obviously taken time. How could he have forgotten about it ?

But I decided to let it go. It was strange, being around Han, because even though he was being evasive, I still felt natural about him. Everytime I felt anxiety prickle my back, I just imagined being around Raquel, and it felt easy, okay.

I yawned. Last night's party had over-tired me, and I just felt like going to bed now. I just wanted to stay a little longer... caught up in Han hot, cozy brown gaze...

– Hey, he said, catching me as I was stumbling on my feet. Are you tired, Chess ? Do you want to go to sleep ?

I was tired. Despite the drink I had swallow to try and ignore it.

– Nah... I mean, yes... but I just wanna stay with you a little longer...

– Oh my god – I was hearing Raquel's voice again, soft and soar, half-amused and half-condescendant – you're drunk, Chess. With one drink ?

– I knew – I mean I know... I didn't want to, given that it would make me feel like kissing your sister again – hum, I don't... didn't mean... don't be mad...

I didn't know what those hockey players put in their drinks, but I was officially leaving the realm of the livings. I heard Raq – Han's soft laugh as he grabed me by the shoulders to carry me throughout the room.

– I don't mind, sweetheart, he said in my ears, visibly amused with the whole situation. My sister is acctually kind of hot.

Okay, I was definietly dead. This is not something you say to the girl you kissed, right ? What on earth was wrong with the Wong twins ?

I felt his hands resting on my hips as he guided me up a stair.

– Please don't be a sexual agressor, I said. I would hate ruining your life with my revenge trip.

This was probably my worst joke ever (pro tip : no jokes about rape in the future, Chess. It's not funny), and he didn't laugh. Or maybe just a little bit.

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