Chapter 5: Start of Jean's vacation.

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Jean was shocked as she asked "B-but why sir? H-Have I made any mistake?". Varka smiled as he said " Jean, You were wonderful. But you are soo young. You have already accomplished many things. But I want you to take a big break, travel around the world with no worries and learn from your travels so you can return as a confident leader.".

Jean stayed silent as she said " Aether said this, didn't he?". Varka nodded " Yes he did, he is very worried about your mental health Jean and so am I, He knows your thoughts and he wants you to be free for a few years so you can return back better.". Jean gave out a sad smile as she said " T-That idiot, he didn't even say anything to me...".

Varka nodded and said " I know, but you would have immediately refused if he did so.". "true..". Jean, after a moment of silence, turned her head up as she said " But who will take over my place for these years?". Varka smiled as he said " I will have to convince Diluc to do it.". 

Jean nodded as she said " While he is harsh, I believe he will make our knights stronger and will add to the security of Monstadt.". Varka nodded as he said " And besides, our dear ol' Lisa can keep him in check.". Jean giggles, if anyone Diluc was sacred of, It would be Lisa.

Jean then smiled as she said " Alright then, I will go beat up Aether since I have been fired due to him". Varka sweat dropped as he said " Don't be too harsh on the young man.". Jean cracked her knuckles as she said " Oh~ I will be gentle alright~". Jean put her Grandmaster badge down as she turned around and was about to leave but Varka said " Oh by the way. Keep your badge. It will be useful while travelling.".

Jean turned around shocked as she said " But, I am not the acting grand master tho!". Varka laughed as he said " Its not like I can't use my power to make another acting grandmaster.". Jean teared up as she gave Varka a hug. She then took the badge and wore it on before saluting Varka as she left.

Aether was outside the headquarters as he was wondering how the talk went. He heard the door open and looked to see Jean coming out of the door while smiling. He smiled and waved while calling out " Hey Jean! here!". Jean hearing the voice, her smile widened more as she speed- walked towards him. 

Aether asked " So how did i-". Aether bent forward as Jean punched him square in the stomach. Aether spit out some saliva as he coughed a bit and said "yep. was expecting that.". Jean grabbed his ear and twisted it as she said " You know you could have talked with me about it first!". 

"OW! OW! OK! I AM SORRY BUT YOU WOULD NOT LISTEN TO ME". Jean sighed, releasing him as she said " Thanks Aether, I don't know if this vacation will make me for the better but, I will relax and travel around.". Soothing his aching ear, Aether said " Actually, I want you to sign up as a adventurer.".

Jean stared at him dumbfounded as she said " HUH? and pray tell me, why?". Aether said " Well, being a adventurer is a very good experience, you can meet a wide range of people this way and help them out too and being a adventurer is gonna require a lot of travelling. I was thinking, we will stay in Monstadt for a couple months to get you used to being a adventurer before travelling to other nations". 

Jean looked at him numbly as she said " You want us to travel together?". Aether said " You don't want to?". Jean shook her head "No! No! I do want to travel. Its just... How long did you prepare for this.". 

Aether scratched the back of his head as he said " Well, U fell asleep on the desk the other day and I heard you sleep talk saying, you wanted to go out and see the world. And since I will be travelling all the nations too. I thought, why not?". Jean shook her head at him as she smiled and hugged him.

Aether was confused but hugged back regardless and he said " Lets get you registered then!". Jean took a step back and nodded as they both started walking towards the guild while Aether told her different things that adventurers did. Not that Jean didn't know but she liked seeing him passionately talk about it.

A few minutes later, Aether let out a sigh as he said " Jean, You go register. I will do a small errand and come.". Jean gave a confused nod as Aether, in a burst of wind disappeared surprising Jean.

A hundred meters back, Aether appeared behind a person as he said " So, How long will you continue this for.". Venti jumped as he looked back and gave a sheepish laugh as he said " SO you found me out! Well, Let me just play a son-". 

Aether grabbed Venti's face as they both disappeared in a burst of Anemo. Reappearing outside the city, next to the statue of the seven, Aether released Venti as he stared at the statue and Venti as he said " Well? Here I thought the God Of Anemo left Monstadt and didn't appear for hundreds of years?". 

Venti sighed as he said " You found me out pretty quickly huh? Otherworldly traveler.". Aether shrugged as he said " Not surprised that you can sense that I am not from this world, so why were you stalking me for the past 10 days.".

Venti laughed as he said " I was stalking you since you arrived in my domain but you only recently grew strong enough to sense me which is quite a achievement, don't forget I can hear the winds when I use my powers.  I was just interested in you. A variable to this world so I followed you around.". Aether hmm'd in thought as he asked " Why didn't you rescue all those kidnapped children then?".

"Who said I didn't , I rescued them right when they left the port. I can't let anyone see me so I did it in the sea and sank the fatui ships.". Aether sweat dropped as he asked " Why do you feel as if you are not that stronger than me?".

Venti laughed as he said " We gods require our follower's devotion and rule over them to keep our power. But I declared Monstadt a free nation away from my gaze. So my only source of devotion is the church.  My powers slowly diminished over time. Of course ,I could have trained to keep them with me but I felt to lazy.". 

Aether face palmed at the nonchalance attitude of the god as he sighed and said " Alright fine! I won't expose your identity but stop stalking me around.". Venti giggled as he said " Fine! fine!, my friend, but don't be a stranger when you see me. it feels good to have someone who knows the real me to talk to.".

Aether smiled as he nodded and teleported to the waypoint in the city leaving Venti alone to his thoughts ( such a nice young man, even though he is older than me if what he said to Varka is true. Your appearance will make a lot of waves in this world Aether, and I look forward to watch it.).



How's the chapter? do tell me in the comments.


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