Chapter 2: Monstadt and new plan

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{ blah blah }= me explaining some stuff

(its that way!)=thoughts

"could you help me put up some missing posters?"= speech

" I will have order"= speaking with authority or anger or seriousness


Narrator POV:

Arriving in front of the huge entrance into the city, Aether sees 2 small line of people who seem to be showing some papers in order to enter into the city. Thinking that these are for identification check-up, Aether stood a bit away wondering what to do when he felt a tap on his shoulder, turning around Aether was met with a women his height with blondie hair tied to a ponytail and a professional uniform and some kind of ornament with a green color and a glowing pattern. 

The unknown stranger started the conversation "Greetings windborne traveler, you seem to be in a daze, may I enquire about it?". Paying his full attention to her, Aether replied " My name is Aether, I have woken up in the middle of the forest after how long? I don't know. I have come to enquire about my whereabouts in this city, But sadly, I don't have any identification with me.".

Anlyzing his attire which was not common in order to resemble any nation, and a bit of raggard appearance, Jean justified this stranger to be saying the truth as she says " I am Jean Gunnhildr, the acting Grandmaster of Monstadt city, I will allow your entry into the city but however, we have to discuss somethings, so do follow me.". Giving a short nod, Aether follows behind the lady from quite a high position is her title is anything to go by.

Jean calmly led Aether towards the Knights of Favonius while answering his small and short questions about different shops and places on the way. Aether had a very good memory and he knew it, storing the key points about the core places, they finally arrived in front of the Knights of Favonius headquarters. The guards present there saluted at Jean as she entered, a curious gaze was casted upon Aether but they quickly went back on guard.

Heading into a door named after Jean's title, Jean told Aether to sit in front of the table as she asked " Now that we are without any interferences, do you have anything more to add before we begin to discuss what to be done?". Aether nodded his head as he stood up and made a small ball of Anemo energy in his hands, Jean's eyed widened a bit but she said " So you are a Anemo vision holder?".

Aether shook his head and said " I am not a vision holder, I came upon these powers when I touched the statue of the what I suspect to be the wind god.". Jean shot up from her desk in shorts. She quickly made a round around Aether and said " Y-you are telling the truth, But how? I can sense the elemental energy used by a vision, which means you are not using a elemental weapon, it is impossible unless you are a archon, Only the gods can wield elemental energy without a vision.".

Aether coughed a bit making Jean snap out of her shocked and confused state as he said " As I said, I do not have any recollection of this place, I do not know of the time either and my memories are hazy except for my sister. My plan was to gain citizenship and study and train in the library for a while to gain knowledge about this world.".

Jean thinking about it for a while came up with an idea as she said " Very well, I can provide you with citizenship, a residency and access to our library but we will have to provide you with tasks that common knights are unable to do or fight against.". Aether nodded and said " That is an agreeable deal. I can't burden the nation without doing anything back. In that case, I would like to head to the library so I can study about the world that I am in.". 

Jean nodded as she wrote him a note as she said " Give this to our librarian, she will be at her desk and will know to not disturb you and you can ask her any information as she is one of our most knowledgeable person in the nation.", Aether nodded as he took the note and went out of the door before heading towards the door named library.

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