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Alfred, ever the pillar of support, nodded understandingly. "Master Jason, life is seldom a straight path. We all grapple with our demons, and it seems you've faced yours."

Jason offered a half-smile, appreciating the lack of judgment in Alfred's words. "Yeah, demons tend to follow me around. But I've learned to dance with them rather than fight." Jason then paused and frowned. "No, if we are being 100% honest, I've learned to eradicate them. Demons no longer have any power over me. Literal or figurative."

"How has it been here without me?" Jason inquired, a genuine curiosity in his voice.

Alfred's gaze softened as he considered the question, and he began to recount the challenges faced by the Wayne family in Jason's absence. The void left by Jason's death had cast its shadow over the household. The absence of the second son, once a vibrant presence, had been felt in every echoing corridor and hushed conversation. "There were times, Master Jason, when I feared I had failed you," Alfred admitted, his voice carrying a tinge of regret. "I should have done more to bridge the gap that had formed."

Jason shook his head, understanding the weight of the burden Alfred often carried. "Nah, Alfie, we all have our roles to play. You've held this place together, and I can see that." His gaze softened with a newfound appreciation for the man who had been a constant even when everything else seemed to unravel.

Alfred's keen eyes flickered with a mixture of surprise as he finally noticed the two young boys that stuck close to Jason. Alfred's eyes lingered on the youngest one, who was a perfect copy of his Master Bruce seldom for his coloring. However, he would recognize those sharp emerald eyes anywhere. "Master Jason, would you do me the courtesy of presenting us? I am sure I taught you better manners than this, young man."

"Right," Jason chuckled. "These are my little brothers, Damian Alfred Head and William Joseph Head. We all share the same mother, adopted or not." Jason hesitated for a second before taking a deep breath and collecting himself. "Dami is the son of Talia and Bruce, I met him after Talia took me in and healed me. As for Billy, we found him when we moved to Fawcett City."

"Nice to meet you Mister Alfred," Damian and Billy echoes politely, making Alfred smile proudly at the polite young boys.

Alfred's gaze shifted from one young face to another, his expressions revealing an understanding that surpassed mere acknowledgment – it was acceptance. "So, these are my grandsons?" Alfred's voice carried a warmth that betrayed the depth of emotion beneath the surface. "Welcome home, Master Damian, Master William."

Damian and Billy, being unusually guarded and stoic, allowed a small, imperceptible smile to grace their features. They could feel the tension in their older brother's form, and it was starting to affect them. But now that Alfred was around, Jason had started to unclench.

Jason couldn't help but grin at the scene. "Yeah, Alfie, they're a handful, but they're family."

"Hey!" Billy protested with a pout.

While Damian simply rolled his eyes, "We should be the ones saying that, Mister Trouble Magnet."

Alfred, however, was not one to let the moment linger in sentimentality for too long. His eyes sharpened with curiosity as he began connecting the dots of their fabricated identities. "Fawcett City? Does that mean that you are Jason Alexander Head, the famed author that Master Timothy likes so much? And that Master Damian and Master William are the good friends Mister Jon made in Fawcett City?"

Jason chuckled, appreciating Alfred's unerring deduction skills. "You got it, Alfie. We've been living a quieter life, but we're still around."

Alfred's gaze shifted to Jason with a pointed curiosity. "Then, how did no one recognize you? You've had many encounters with the civilian identities of various members of the Justice League. Not to mention, continuous contact with the Kent Family."

The Red GhoulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang