Two guards came and guided him to the top of a four floor building and laid down binoculars, two guns, a transceiver, an iPad and a cup of hot coffee on a concrete bench.

Xavier took off his shades and observed the unfamiliar location. There were a few restaurants in line, a small dental clinic stuck like a sore thumb in the middle of two corporate buildings, a grand hotel where he is expecting a guest right now and three well decorated flower shops which he knew his little darling would love.

He would've said it's a nice place but the memories he'd carry out of here might not be pleasant enough to return here willingly.

He picked up the cup and brought it to his lips.

Down below, cars and cars entered the area and stopped in front of the entrance.
Guards spilled out from the cars and stood attentively by the door. Then, a tattooed man got out and stretched out his limbs before laughing and looking around. He was probably talking to someone.

Michael Ru.

When the first three cars drove away another one stopped and a woman stepped out with an obnoxiously big red hat covering her entire face. Xavier picked up the iPad to check the cameras but unfortunately under that hat was a black net covering her face.

He clenched his jaw in annoyance and waited for the person who was their leader.

But that was it.

She came out and the car left. The cars behind it had a bunch of more guards.

He knew in an instant what that could mean.

B. R. wasn't a man. It was a woman.

And it was confirmed when she was being closely guarded by a heavily armed security team and everyone around her was extra cautious.

He spoke through the transceiver to focus on the woman as she's their main target.
He opened the screen connected to the hidden cameras in the outfits of his undercover men who were inside the hotel stationed at different places. It was especially easy for him to get them there because he is an influential person who also owns chains of hotels across the nation.

The woman doesn't even stop by the lobby and was immediately escorted to a private room.

His men were really efficient in their jobs, they wasted no time in switching their places as per the situation and captured every moment till the doors closed.

Xavier sat down on the bench with his coffee and leaned back on the wall.

Who was that woman?

Why was she after him?

How is she connected to him?

How much she knows?

Numerous questions started filling up his mind. He is not the type to get intimidated by foes because he is usually the one doing that but this one doesn't feel right.

And as much as he is against hurting women because he has never been much troubled by them, he won't hesitate taking precautions against this woman as it is something he adapted himself to, and not because he was taught things like respecting others. So it won't entirely bother him.

He saw his man enter the room to serve them drinks and he almost saw the woman but his tray was taken away from him by one of their men and he was asked to leave but before he could, he heard them talking about fifty million dollars.

He received a call from Alex and frowned looking at the screen.
He picked it up and put the phone on his ear,

"Umm... Romano?"

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