Finding Out More About Him.

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I woke up today and I'm so bored. I'm not on tour so I got dressed and grabbed a guitar. I set my phone up and started recording myself playing a solo before posting it.

@lj_alexander: Got bored lol.

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Not long after I saw that Gionna liked my post, she texts me.

*Gionna And I's Conversation*

Gio💙: Hey Jackie?

Me: What's up Gio?

Gio💙: Are you doing anything today??

Me: No why what's up??

Gio💙: Can I come hang out?

Me: Absolutely Gio.

Gio💙: Great! See you soon Jackie!😘

Me: See you soon💙

*End Of Our Conversation*

*With Gio*

Gionna is freaking out about going to hang out with me. She can't figure out what to wear or anything. Then she remembers that Sarah knows me better than anyone so she calls her to maybe get some advice.

*Gionna And Sarah's Call*

Sarah: Hey GiGi. What's up?

Gionna: Sarah I need your help!

Sarah: With what?

Gionna: I'm gonna go hang out with JJ and I can't figure out what to wear or what to do.

Sarah: Gi, J isn't a high maintenance guy. It won't matter what you wear. You could go over there in sweats and a baggy sweatshirt and not even do your hair and it wouldn't bother him. Just go hang out with him and talk to him, he'll love that.

Gionna: Thanks Girl. I love you.

Sarah: Love you too.

*End Of Their Phone Call*

Gionna hangs up before getting dressed. After she gets dressed, she sends a picture.

*Back With Me*

I'm hanging out on my living room sofa when my phone goes off. It's a text with a picture attachment from Gionna.

*Our Conversation*

Gio💙: Ik im lazy and this is an old pic but Do you like this??

Gio💙: Ik im lazy and this is an old pic but Do you like this??

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Me: Oh I love it.

Gio💙: Seen you soon.

*End Of Our Conversation*

A half hour later Gionna knocks on my door.

Me: Gio just get in here.

She opens the door and walks in before we hug.

Me: Hey shorty.

Gionna: Hey Jackie.

We sit down on the couch and watch TV for a while and make small talk. Later in the day though, Gionna starts a conversation.

Gionna: Hey Jackie?

Me: What's up Gio?

Gionna: Can I ask you some questions because I still feel like I don't know you that well.

Me: You know more then most people do but sure go ahead. Ask away.

Gionna: So you're from Miami right?

Me: Yeah I was born there and lived there and in Seattle after my brother passed away.

Gionna: You lived with your brother?

Me: Yeah. My parents used to beat the hell out of me and my brother didn't like that haha. He beat the hell out of my dad and the court saw he would take good care of me so he was granted custody. He was really cool like most little brothers look up to the older brother but like he was really cool especially being Justin Alexander.

Gionna's eyes almost popped out of her head.

Gionna: That's your brother!?

I laughed at her words.

Me: Yep.

Gionna: Why did you stop wrestling?

Me: Well I love singing first off. Second, I just wanted to create my own legacy you know?

Gionna: Yeah I get it. Would you ever think about coming back?

Me: Yeah I do. I'm in contact with Hunter alot so you never know.

Gionna: Why are you still single?

Me: Well didn't find the right one and then someone stole my heart.

Gionna looked dowm seemingly disappointed.

Gionna: Oh...Do I know her?

Me: Well she's got pink hair and she's from Jersey.

Gionna lit up.

Gionna: Stop it. I did not steal your heart.

I tried to mess around with her. I put a shocked expression on my face before putting my hand on my chest.

Me: What!? Whoever said you stole my heart!? This girl's name is um...her name is...JACKIE! Her name's Jackie.

Gionna started laughing before she smacked my arm.

Gionna: Butthead if you're gonna make up a name, make sure it's not the name I CALL YOU!

Me: Yeah, probably could've come up with a better name huh?

Gionna: Yes you could've. You say I stole your heart, when did that happen?

Me: When I looked in your eyes for the first time. Definitely after you smiled at me for the first time though.

Gionna smiled.

Me: That's just mean.

Gionna smiled again before leaning in and kissing my cheek.

Gionna: Gotta make sure I keep your heart now don't I? Atleast we know if I have it, it's safe.

Me: Oh great.

Gionna: What?

Me: I think I'm stuck now.

Gionna giggled at my response.

Gionna: Oh Jackie, you've been stuck with me since we met.

She booped my nose with her finger before letting out a little giggle.

We mostly just hung out before Gionna had to leave. Before she left, we hugged eachother super tight.

Me: I'll see you soon right?

Gionna: Next time I'm off, I'll be back over here. I promise Jackie.

Me: I can't wait.

I helped her in her jeep before she started it up. She blew me a kiss before she drove off and I went back in the house. I kept thinking about that conversation me and Gio had. Maybe she just meant I was stuck with her as a bestfriend. That's cool but I think I want more then that. I think I'm falling in love with her.

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