[Mission Three]: Form The Contract

Start from the beginning

"No! I want more peanuts!" Anya whined in protest, proceeding to add more to the trolley.

"Listen here, little one, you're either going to be putting most of them back so that there is a reasonable amount of peanuts in this trolley, or I'm going to put all of them back myself," Y/N stated, narrowing his eyes at her. He could probably pull off better intimidation tactics, but this was a kid he was currently talking to. 

But to his dismay, she then burst into tears, pausing her attempts to completely fill the trolley with peanut packets. He felt a surge of guilt bubble up inside of him as he quickly processed that he had made an innocent child like her cry with his attempt at intimidation. Y/N stared at her, contemplating what to do.

He sighed, "All right, fine." And as Anya looked up at him with her tears fading away, he picked her up and gave her a piggyback. "But this is the only time I'm doing this." Y/N kept a tight hold of her with one hand, and with the other he moved the trolley further down the aisle. 

He had no idea how the hell he was going to be putting anything else on the trolley, especially when the rather large stack of peanut packs was threatening to fall apart, but he would have to figure it out somehow. Above all, it was essential that Anya remained happy with her new life, otherwise it would bring a lot of issues... and it would risk Anya running away, something that would make his mission completely fall apart. And if that happened, he would have to go into permanent hiding, or break into Desmond's house with guns blazing. He wanted to do neither.

"...Sir, are you sure you want all of this?" the cashier asked a couple of minutes later when Y/N had arrived at the till. He was looking at the high amount of peanut packets with both surprise and impression. 

Y/N, who was holding Anya's hand, looked at the cashier, then the peanuts, and back at the cashier before he sighed and leaned forward, "I'll take some gum too." He took a packet of gum that was on a nearby shelf and dropped it in the trolley. "Now then, get to scanning."


"The aim was to be covert and remain unseen," Y/N thought to himself as he carried multiple bags, most of which being full of the peanut packets, with one hand and held Anya close to his chest with the other. "And here I am, standing out in the crowd rather than blending in." He cast wary glances at the onlookers, all of which taking second glances to see if their eyes were working. Any of them could be an assassin, yet right now he was more vulnerable than ever. 

And it was at this moment that Y/N felt a gaze upon him that was... different from the rest. It wasn't exactly malicious, but it was definitely not the same as the pedestrians who were looking at him with confusion because of the amount of bags he was carrying alongside a child, whose hair colour did not help with staying under the radar. 

"Is it the same person as before?" Y/N wondered, casting glances around him to try and figure out where this person was. It was easier to do so now that it could be excused as him being embarrassed at the amount of attention. 

He was able to see a multitude of people with his glances, but none of which appeared to be gazing at him with an ulterior motive. All of them were simply looking at him with amusement, curiosity, impression, or anything else that was innocent. Y/N couldn't pinpoint somebody that had malicious intent evident in their gazes.

"They must be watching me from afar," Y/N noted with a mental sigh, knowing what difficulties this would bring. "I can't exactly glance at vantage points where I could be being stared at without looking suspicious. But it's crucial that I find out who is watching me, and where they are exactly." 

Anya blinked at this, and then started to move her head around frantically, her eyes darting around at the other pedestrians in her attempt to use their telepathy powers to locate where this person was. Of course she would have to come up with a creative way to have Y/N look in the direction of the person, but all of that time she spent watching Spy Wars would indeed come in handy for something like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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