Start from the beginning

" Ugh, you think that I don't deserve flowers?" I asked clutching at my pearls, pretending to be hurt.

"You look too beautiful to be sad, please don't be sad." He pleaded giving me puppy eyes.
"I guess I owe you flowers then." he said as I just looked at him and persisted with my act of being hurt and sad.

"Would this cheer you up?" He asked as he captured my chin between his thumb and forefinger.
He started leaning towards me holding my stare as if daring me to keep up with my act.

I laughed and pushed at him, not able to keep up my sad facade any longer.

He just smiled at me and pressed a button to start the car.

" You look out of this world tonight Arie,"  he said, his voice devoid of the usual playfulness.

" It is going to be hard reminding myself all night that we are just friends."


The music was pulsating as we walked into the club.
It was a Saturday night, needless to say, it was packed.

Malakai led the way as he shouldered his way through the throng of people, creating a path for me in his wake.

"Ouch," I screamed as someone stepped on foot.

Malakai stopped and  turned around,
" Are you okay?" There was concern etched on his face.

"Yeah, it's okay. I am alright."

He looked at me for a minute and held out his hand for me.
I placed my small hand in his big one as he interlocked our finger and dragged me along.

"Should we try find your friends first or get ourselves drinks?"
He asked as he leaned over closer to my hear so that I can hear him over the loud music.

"Let's find them first, then get drinks after," I replied.

I looked around, trying to find a familiar face.
I heard someone calling my name over the music.

I turned around to see Lesh waving at me from a raised platform in the corner, away from the dance floor and the throng of people.

How did they manage to secure themselves a VIP both.
I tugged at Kai's hand and pointed towards Lesh and started moving in her direction leading the way.

"How did you guys manage to get this?" I asked Lesh, pointing at the luxurious VIP both with my other hand, the other one still interlocked with Kai's.

It was a lot less loud here.
Almost everyone was seated at the table. There were already empty shots glasses in front of everyone.

"I don't know either, Sage knows the owner or something, that's how." She said as she smiled and gestured towards Sage.

I looked at him and smiled, but he wasn't even looking at me.
His eyes were locked on Kai and I's interlocked hands.
An emotion crossed his face, and quickly disappeared as fast as it had appeared before I could process what it was.
Hurt or anger?

He looked at me and quickly returned my smile before turning away and returning to his conversation with Theo.

Damn Lesh for putting silly notions in my head, now I was starting to read too much into everything.

I released my hand from Kai's as Lesh scooted over creating space for me. I sat sandwiched between her and Kai.

"Since we are all here, can we have another proper round?" Theo asked, already catching the attention of a waiter.
Everyone around the table heartily agreed.

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