Mu Qings food (better not be like xie lians😹😹)

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*kitchen noises idk*


Feng Xin had heard the humming coming from the kitchen. He had forgotten who was in there (imagine) so he went in there to check it out. He found Mu Qing humming something. It was beautiful. Very beautiful. " have some amazing vocals, Mu Qing." He turned around to look at Feng Xin. "Thank you.." he blushes slightly. "But, allow me to continue making food." Mu Qing returns to making the food on the stove. Feng Xin turns around and heads to the living room. He sits down on the couch (idk if they have couches or TV's ok so just bare with me💀) and turns on the TV while waiting for the food.

2 hours pass and soon enough the food is done. Mu Qing walks out of the kitchen to the living room where Feng Xin is laying. He places the food on the table. "Wake up slug." (It's giving dazai) Feng Xin wakes up to the sound of Mu Qing talking. "Your food's done." Mu Qing says. "Thank you." Feng Xin says back to him, talking quietly since it was night." He grabs the fork and starts to eat the food. He stops. "..." Feng Xin looks up at Mu Qing who appears to be smiling. "How's the food?" He says. Feng Xin smiles back. "Your cooking is really great, Mu tastes wonderful." Mu Qing blushes at that compliment. No one has ever complimented him like that. "Tch..yeah you're welcome.." he says while looking down, still blushing.

Fengqing!! (Mu Qing X Feng Xin)Where stories live. Discover now