"Umm, tonight was nice, I guess. . ." Blitz spoke nervously.

The owl smiled kindly, "It was. I quite enjoyed myself for the first time in a while, heh. Perhaps, we could do it again sometime? If you'd like to, that is."

The imp smiled warmly, "Sure."

"Well, until we meet again, Blitz." the owl bowed before him.

The imps waved bye and hopped into the van and drove off.

Stolas shut the door and leaned back against it, gradually falling down to the floor as his cheeks burned up with a smile across his face, causing his feathers to floof about around him.

Once Millie and Blitz made it back to the apartment, the smell of freshly cooked food filled the air.

"There's my lovely wife!~" Moxxie welcomed from within the kitchen.

"Damn, Moxx, not in front of the girls.~" Blitz smiled seductively.

One of Moxxie's eyes twitched with irritation, "WHAT THE FU-"

"Who's hungry?~" Millie cut in.

Everyone sat down for some of Moxxie's gooey cheesy pasta and garlic toast.

"Wow, this is actually amazing." Loona said with her mouth full of pasta.

Millie then noticed something off, "Blitz, you're not adding hot sauce?"

Blitz looked confused, "Why the heck would I do that?"

"Umm, because there's cheese?" Moxxie added, "You ALWAYS add hot sauce to your cheese foods. Even just a plain block of cheese!"

"Oh! Th-That's right. . .heh." Blitz said nervously, "Anyone wanna pass the hot sauce bottle?"

After dinner, Moxxie and Millie stayed to help clean up before heading out.

"You sure you don't want us to stay, sugar?" Millie asked with worry.

"I'm sure, Mills. I'll be alright." Blitz reassured her.

Millie then placed a kiss on Blitz's cheek before leaving hand in hand with Moxxie.

"Dad. . ." Loona said lowly.

"What's wrong, Loonie? Your ears are droopy." Blitz asked with concern.

The hellhound sniffled a bit, "You're not gonna forget me too. . .right?"

Blitz was at a loss for words. He didn't know Loona had felt that way, "Loonie, why would you think that?"

Tears then started to trinkle down her cheeks as she tried quickly wiping them away, "Be-Because. . .your memory. . . It's j-just getting worse. . ." she sobbed, "Y-You even forgot th-that y-you love horses. . ."

"Oh. . . I'm guessing Stolas told Millie, and then Millie told you." Blitz replied with a frown, "But it'll be okay, sweetie. I'm just forgetting little things here and there." he tried to reassure her as he held one of her hands and wiped her tears, "And you are very much not just some little thing. You're one of the most important people in my life, Loonie. And you always will be."

Loona wrapped her arms around the imp and completely broke. Blitz sweetly rubbed her back up and down in a comforting manner for as long as she needed.

After a short moment of standing there, the pair moved to the couch and snuggled underneath a blanket while watching TV together. They both fell asleep there for the rest of the night.

The next morning, a knock at the door caused Blitz to wake up from his slumber. Loona was still in a peaceful deep sleep. He got up with a stretch and trudged along to answer the door.

"Hey, Blitz!~" Fizzarolli greeted with a bright smile as Asmodeus stood next to him.

Blitz snarled as he swiftly pulled out his handgun from his coat and aimed it at Fizz, "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?!?"

Asmodeus immediately intervened and roared ferociously in Blitz's face, causing the whole building to rumble.

"Waitwaitwaitwait! Oz!!" Fizzarolli tried to calm the burly demon, "It's his amnesia. I guess he just forgot me too. . ." the jester said with a frown.

Ozzie calmed down and backed off but still kept his guard up.

"Too?" Blitz questioned as he lowered his gun.

"Never mind. . . We can leave. . ." Fizz said.

Blitz observed the jester imp as he and the blue demon turned to leave, "W-Wait!"

Fizzarolli immediately turned back towards him.

Blitz stared for a moment more "F-Fizz. . .?"

Fizz smiled brightly once again as he wrapped his mechanical limps around the imp, "You remember me!!~ Oh, I'm so glad."

"Do you remember me?" Ozzie asked curiously.

"Yeah, yeah. You're Fizz's big sugar daddy." Blitz replied nonchalantly.

Asmodeus smiled smugly, "I'll take it."

"I-I can't believe I forgot you, Fizz. . ." Blitz spoke.

"It's okay." Fizz reassured, "It's not your fault."

A shocked expression spread across Blitz's face, "W-What?"

"I said it's not your fault." the jester repeated himself.

Blitz's eyes gradually began to well up.

Fizz became worried, "Blitz. . . ?"

- End of part 22

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