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Title: THE DIRECTOR | wlw

Author: R0manticSwan

P.S. Sad ending BUT ITS SO GOOD. Literally cried in this book.

WLW [femxfem]

"Such a good girl are you, mhm?" I swallowed hard and my eyes widened, I just felt how weak my legs were and immediately grabbed her arm.

She chuckle and grabbed me too, from my arm, tightly.
She put the cigarette between her lips again, but I couldn't look at her anymore. My cheeks are burning at this point.

She let go of the cigarette and got closer to my ear again.

"Open" at first I didn't understand a word, but then she leaned her body over mine. Our faces were inches away from each other, and that's when I opened my mouth.

The sour smoke went directly into my mouth as I closed my eyes. I could hear her voice while she blowed the air inside me. Our lips didn't touched, but I wish they would.

As the air got into my lungs I got distracted by her smile and her blue eyes, making me cough in response.
She laughed at this and let go of my arm.

"We have to work on that, principessa" her intense blue eyes never left mine as she threw the cigarette away and got into the building. She works here, fuck.


The most famous and harsh director of Hollywood started directing a movie with the sweetest and kindest girl alive. What they don't know is that they are each other's weakness.

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