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____****[Part two] ****____

L.B ushered Mrs Yuè into the vehicle. Holding the door for her like a respectful gentleman.

-Gentleman my ass.

She smiled at him. As a loving mother would her child, and went in without hesitation. After everything L.B had just told them. There seemed to be even more reason for Mrs Yuè Guāng's elation.

You see, when the school had first been founded. All the efforts and sacrifices she'd made in hopes of attending proved futile. Now here she was. 15years later. Standing strong, as one of china's most prominent business women. She was indeed 'A Paragon' worthy of emulating.

Though most of the 'prestige' came from the name she'd married into. Mrs Yué  unrelenting spirit, witt, and strong will to survive were what catapulted her to the top! and kept her there. Leading her to later on become one of the biggest share holders of;
'Moonlight Enterprises',
allowing for her to grant assistance to him...


-UhOoOo. Mysteriousssssss.


....Errr.. sorry le-lets get back to...you know? The story?
Right. So...

At last! her aging feet had now graced the very ground she'd once strived to dominate. Even though her own time had long past. At least her son could live out her dream on her behalf.


...Was using her son to fulfill her life long fantasy the right thing?!

-Maybe in her book it is.

“I envy you lucky”. She said, in a mild whisper. The boy obviously didn't notice. At the moment, any sound made right now was nothing more than just wind passing by. Blowing swiftly away and minding it's own business.

Adjusting herself to the cozy seats. She let her back embrace the seat's cushion as if laying  on a matress. "Well I'll be. This is even better than our limo. I should have Hilary purchase one of these and add to our collection." She thought. Surprised at how comfortable and incredible the vehicle actually was. At first. She hadn't taken the time to look at it well enough. But, It's exterior looked as though it had meticulously been manufactured following through with the preposterous instructions obtained from a sci-fi film. And the interior? Well..there seemed to be no difference between it's internal structure and that of a regular tesla's.

Seeing that the woman had made herself comfortable. L.B shut the door gently then walked to the other side. Mrs Yuè son on the other hand had already let himself in.

-Guess he didn't want any special treatment.

Screening the multiple operational switches positioned by the side of the door. The boy pushed the one that looked to resemble what he'd wanted. Choosing it merely by guessing. Even so, he was right. The car window did as was instructed and wound up. Shutting out the winds brutal blows, that had fervently been rustling his hair in all directions.


After a slight scuffle between the other two guards. It seemed a deal had been struck.

“You owe me for this. Ya got that?”

“Yeah, yeah. Just do me this favor, n'i'll make it worth your while.”

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