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Fred's POV

I stayed behind at Hogwarts while my parents went to visit my brother Charlie in Romania. I honestly didn't mind it. George and I got to play a lot of pranks. I even pulled a couple on George with the help of Peeves.

But one thing that bothered me was how much I missed Y/N. Every time someone fell into one of our pranks, I kept looking for Y/N hoping to see her smile or hear her laugh. I only have known her for a couple of months but I'm really starting to fall for this girl. There's just something special about her.

Before she left, she made me promise to write to her and write to her I have but for some reason I never get any response back. It started to worry me a bit. I thought something might've happened to her but I'm trying not to psych myself out so I'm hoping she was just too busy with her so called "family." I felt bad knowing that she would rather be here but you can't really go against your parents wishes.

Luckily it was only a couple more days till everyone came back. I'm excited to finally see Y/N again but I'm not excited to have to go back to classes. I'm excited to see Y/N's perfect smile again. I really hoped she felt the same way about me but I'm just too scared to tell her. What if she doesn't like me? What if she does actually have feelings for Oliver? Has Oliver told her about his feelings? Should I tell her mine before it's too late? Was it already too late?


I woke up in the morning and I jumped out of bed. I had a great feeling about today! It was the day I finally got to go back to Hogwarts! I was so excited to finally see all my friends again and I knew Oliver was going to be at King's Cross waiting for me. He wrote to me about how his parents were dropping him off early because they had to work so I know he will be there by the time I get there!

Dobby had all my bags packed by the time I woke up. I went downstairs for breakfast low key expecting my parents to be gone with Draco already but to my surprise they were all eating breakfast together. "Good Morning everyone!" I said in a cheery tone as I sat down at the table. "Well someone seems to be in a good mood!" Narcissa said with a smile. "Why wouldn't I be? I finally get to go back to school!" I said smiling back. "Well you little delinquent many people would be actually grateful for spending time with their families for the holidays!" Lucius barked. I looked down. "I didn't mean it like that! I just really like school and I'm excited to see all my friends!" Lucius slammed his hands on the table and stood up. "Are you back talking to me little girl?" There was an awkward silence.

Everyone was afraid to speak which only added to Lucius anger. Lucius walks over to me and smacks me across the face and then grabs my neck and applies a lot of pressure. "I thought you learned some respect while you were here!" He added more pressure onto my neck and I was struggling to breathe. My hands went to his arms in a desperate attempt to break free. "Maybe this will teach you a lesson!" He yelled as he punched me in the face repeatedly. He finally let me go and I ran to the bathroom crying.

I looked in the mirror after I splashed some water on my face. I had a bunch of cuts on my face from where his ring got me and a whole lot of bruising on my neck where his hands were. I also had a black eye. Knowing I had to leave soon in a desperate attempt to try to hide what happened, I ran around and grabbed my makeup and started applying concealer. I hid my black eye and my bruising as much as I could. Most of the cuts had finally stopped bleeding so I was hoping they wouldn't be noticeable. I could just say I got attacked by my dogs if anything.

I threw on Oliver's sweater and put on a hat to cover some of my face. I walked out to the car where Dobby was loading up mine and Draco's bags. Lucius and Narcissa were no where to be seen and honestly I preferred it that way. I got into the car with Draco and we had a very silent drive to King's Cross.

As soon as we got to King's Cross I got out of the car grabbed my own bag and ran to the train. I needed to see a friendly face and I needed away from the Malfoy's. As I was running with my bag I ran into someone. It was Oliver. I immediately hugged him. "Hey there!" Oliver said surprised as he hugged me back. I buried my face into his chest enjoying his embrace. I needed this hug more than anything right now. Oliver rubbed my back and took my bag from me. "Let's go get on the train hen. We will be better off there." Oliver smiled at me reassuringly. I could tell he knew something was up but I nodded my head and followed him to an empty compartment.

I was sitting next to Oliver with his arm wrapped around me. He could tell I was scared but my fear was deteriorating the longer I was with Oliver. I ended up falling asleep in Oliver's arms before the train even left the station.

Oliver's POV

I could tell something was up with Y/N but I didn't want to push it quite yet. She seemed like she was getting better which is all that mattered. I held her close to me as she fell asleep. She must've had a rough break. I noticed she was wearing a lot of make up and that wasn't like her. I was worried about her but at least she is safe now.

I rubbed her back lightly as she slept in my arms. She was wearing my sweater I gave her before break and it looked really good on her. I softly kissed the top of her head as I caressed my thumb against her cheek removing some of her concealer. I saw bruising and I pulled her closer to me. Who could've done this to her? Did she get into a fight on break? I wonder what the other guy looked like. There's no way Y/N would've let this happen without putting up a fight right?

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