Bahar Part I: May All Seasons Be Spring

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Author's note:

This one goes out to my twitter wifey Amna MusingsofAmna - the ole ball and chain who keeps me on my toes. You should all follow her and read her and worship her.

This was a story I never planned to write. Of course I wanted Bahar to exist and in my previous stories Farah basically got pregnant every time they had sex lol

I believe I brought it up more than once as well - Farah not being on birth control and the possibility they would make a baby, so Bahar was implied, created and on the way for all intents and purposes as far as I was concerned.

I was happily lost in my daydreams for my outline of my AF AU Tahir, the cop / Farah's personal bodyguard that I've been cooking up. This is the first time I am planning to write an entire actual book, separate from the one shot collections, but as usual the people have spoken. Life happens while you're busy making other plans, right? I took a poll on what the next story was that the people wanted and Baby Bahar won by a landslide. And then the end of AF came and all my plans went out the window.

While watching AF I naively hoped we would get Bahar content. We basically willed that baby into existence. I mean, from the moment Tahir uttered the words - may all seasons be spring - it was the perfect ending for their story. And though our ending came too soon, I really thought we'd see Farah pregnant and Tahir would be overprotective, best girl dad ever! But I also held out for a season 2 love scene 'til the bitter end. Alas, the dizi curse comes for us all, in many different ways. Our last episode was full of flashbacks no one talked about (in the ep - what TF was the point of flashing back to the broken glass scene of ep 1 if Farah doesn't remember it and say something?? We don't need to see it - we've made better montages and callback parallel edits in our sleep!) so they were basically completely useless since we've all seen those clips 50-11 times - Cut out those clips and you could have shoved in a 15 minute montage at the end of happy FaHirSahBar (sorry I'm still butthurt lol). If they would only ask us - we could have given them a decent wrap-up. Ama neyse...

Yes, we got a happy ending, which is way more than most. Yes, the characters and story didn't get ruined, so we should count our blessings. But that doesn't mean we were not left wanting. Fahir deserved more. This amazing show, with its amazing plot and amazing characters and amazing leads, deserved an amazing ending. To quote me to me - if you aren't annoyed with the way a dizi ended was it even a dizi?

So we the fans and we the writers are doing what we do best - fix it with a fic! Fanfic to the rescue! I've seen a couple other Bahar FF stories already in print, and as of now, we all have our different takes on how SHE came to be. I chose to fix the last episode to the best of my ability and write their spring garden to life.

So my story takes place amid Adim Farah episode 27. I loved the dance scene, the kitchen scene and the cuddle session in bed the next day. There will be two very adult love scenes in this chapter and the audience can decide which one they believe Bahar was conceived in. This will be a 3 part saga (at least that's how it's  currently playing out in my head right now. However, should the muse continue to sing, I will follow her lead and write until we find the end together.  I will use parts of the show, but I will also, as usual, be putting my own spin on our beloved couple and righting some wrongs (at least the things that went wrong for me - I love these writers but they missed the mark in a lot of ways)

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