Queen of the Forest

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Author's note:

This is a short story, a one-shot/one chapter fanfic based on the space of time between episodes 10 and 11 of Adım Farah. I was inspired to write this when Tahir mentioned to Farah at the beginning of episode 11 that it had been a week since they'd been home from the hospital after Kerim's bone marrow donor was killed. This made me wonder about that "in-between" time we didn't get to see. 

Questions and curiosities started racing through my mind - How did they adjust to living as a family, especially after such a detrimental set back to their plan? When did Tahir's apartment become home?  How did Tahir step up as a father for Kerim when Farah was down and out? How did he reach her as a husband and keep her heart safe while she healed? How did their bond as a family and a couple develop?

Well, here's what I like to think happened. A small preview/daydream I had about it.

This moment takes place before FaHir (Farah and Tahir) chronologically had sex on the show so there will be none of that in this chapter - but don't worry I got a good one cooking in the KITCHEN🔥 Anyway, this does take place after their first kiss, so they are both very much aware of this new physical attraction aspect of their relationship and that it goes both ways. We will be discovering that together with them. And there will be love, lots and lots of love. And maybe a few laughs. Hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I did writing it.

Chapter rating: lots of fluffy soft-soft 🥺❤️

On to the show:


Farah closed the book she'd read to Kerim as a bedtime story and looked down at her sleeping son. Medically speaking he was a weak child, immuno-compromised, in danger every day of over exposure and a complete system collapse. But to her, he was the strongest, bravest, kindest human she'd ever known. Kerim had not only taught her what it meant to truly love someone more than you love yourself, he'd taught her what it meant to be strong. Tahir believes inherited this ability from her, but tonight, just like every other night since they'd come home from the hospital, Farah had never felt weaker.

It had been six days since she'd had to break her own heart by breaking Kerimşah's. When she'd explained to him the donor was hurt so badly that he couldn't get better and therefore couldn't donate his bone marrow to help save Kerim, the news had hardly surprised him and in the end, it had been Kerim who was the one to comfort her. After she'd broken down in his arms, the first question he asked was where the donor's Anne was, because she was probably sad like his Anne. Farah smiled through the tears welling in her eyes at the memory. Her sweet, soft hearted little man. Always thinking of others before himself.

Tahir climbed the stairs with a tray full of food for Farah and stopped in front of Kerim's bedroom doorway. He'd watched as she finished the storybook and stopped to watch their son sleep. Their son...he'd found himself thinking of Kerim as his more and more frequently. Probably as often as he thought of Farah as his wife. He wasn't sure he could pinpoint the exact moment they became his family, it seemed like he was in the middle of this before he knew it had begun.

This...this...this love. 

One thing Tahir knew without a shadow of a doubt, he loved them both, more than himself. He would do anything to keep them safe and well. Even if that meant defying Farah's wishes and looking into Kerim's biological father's family in order to locate a new potential donor. She was too hurt right now to hear the truth; too trapped in her pain and fear to be reasonable. Once he found a suitable match, she would understand why he did what he did. Until then he would protect her from herself and the world while continuing forward with his mission to save their son. 

Pure Happiness *Adım Farah FaHir fanfic*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora