"Sorry, she said sheepishly, "It has been a while since I have seen a world filled with such beauty." Thor smiled, "Asgard is a place of wonder for many foreign to it. I would have to agree with you, it is beautiful, but I am biased in saying so, as an Asgardian."

Luna smiled softly, "Speaking highly of one's home is not bias. It is simply the nature of pride. I could speak for eons about my own home. The beauty of each continent, the lushness of its forests, the blue of its seas, the purity of its snow are far more beautiful to me than to anyone who comes and sees it with different eyes. That is the nature of things, Thor."

"You speak wisely for someone so young, forgive me for implying.""I am young by many standards, and by some, I am very old." Luna said, "It is not something I can reveal to you, Thor. There are rules as to how much I can reveal. My purpose is not to answer questions, but to complete certain desires."


"Wishes of specific sorts." Luna confirmed, "Alas, I may not say any more."

Thor looked at her with raised brows, "You mean not to tell me that you cater to the specific desires of men?"

Luna's eyes widened as she understood the implication behind his words. She flushed, heat rushing to her cheeks, "Oh, no, not of that sort. I am deeply regretful to say that I cannot delve into the fathoms of my purpose, but to settle your mind, I do not cater to those desires."

She saw slight colour in Thor's cheeks, but ignored it. She had known many men of Thor's nature, and though not the specific race that he was, but she knew men of his type. They were proud men, and their pride often brought out their foolishness and caused them to make unwise choices amidst difficult times. If she had acknowledged his blush, he would take it as insult, and that in turn would be an unwise choice on her behalf. However, throughout the mere hours she had been spending with Thor, she saw less of the proud man, but more of the man whose pride in his world brought out a patriotism that shone with qualities she had not seen personified in many of the men she had known. There was bravery, fierceness, kindness, gentleness... compassion, and loyalty. She had not seen such a combination of qualities in her existence, and the closest soul she had known was her own father, who lacked many of Thor's qualities. It was interesting that underneath a brutish exterior, the man had a heart of gold, and Luna knew without a doubt that he held as much love for his world as he did for the souls that inhabited it and even so for souls as a whole.

It was a refreshing combination, and before Luna could ask another question, the woman had returned. She rushed into the room, her brunette locks flowing behind her and her simple dress wrapping itself around her figure. She held a folded cloth in her hands. Thor was the first to notice her entrance, and Luna noted with much longing, that his eyes had lit up upon her entrance, and heard his heartbeat speed up slightly. She smiled to herself and watched as the woman approached him with a smile gracing her soft features. They looked at each other for a few moments, before the woman turned to Luna. She smiled as she handed the cloth to Luna, watching as Luna took it and draped it around her shoulders. The cloak was made of thick fabric that covered Luna's bare shoulders, and fell like liquid gold to her calves. The woman took the liberty of tying the cloak under Luna's neck.

"I hope it is warm enough for you. I had to ask Sif for it, since you are far taller than I."

"Thank you." Luna said, marvelling in the texture of the cloak as it sat on her skin. Admittedly she had already begun to feel warmer with the thick fabric surrounding her. "I am much warmer."

"What have I missed," she asked, clasping her hands, "I hope you have not told Thor everything and left me out of your discussion!"

Luna shifted uncomfortably, "I do apologise, but I cannot reveal much."

"Oh." The woman said.

Luna winced, "I have told Thor as much as I am allowed, and I will tell you the same."

"Forgive me, but I am terribly fascinated..."The woman said, her voice drifting off as she turned to look past Luna and out of the window.T

hor chuckled and nudged her, "Jane, you were saying?"

Jane blinked, and focused back to the strange woman standing before her, "I am sorry—oh I didn't catch your name!"

Thor supressed a laugh while Luna smiled, "I am Luna. You must be Jane."

Jane smiled, "Sorry, Luna, you must think I am somewhat crazy, but I assure you I am not."

"I understand, "Luna said, "With an intelligence as high as yours it is only fair that your curiosity matches it."

Jane and Thor shared a cryptic look. A silence befell the trio, and Luna zoned once again into her senses, this time appreciating the sound of the breeze passing through the room, and the faint noises she could hear coming from outside. She heard birds, and the swaying of trees, she heard the sounds of the wind whistling through buildings close by. However, most of all she could hear the sound of breathing and hearts beating. Perhaps, most curious of all was that she could hear her own, and only Time knew how much Luna had missed hearing her own life.

"Has Thor shown you around?" Jane asked breaking the silence.

Luna snapped to attention and shook her head, "He has not."

"Well come along, there is much to see!" Jane said, making her way out of the room with Luna and Thor at her heels.


A/N: Hi guys! Sorry it has been so long! I have had a hectic 6 months, I cannot even begin to tell you! I hope this somewhat makes up for my extremely long absence.  "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." quote is by Albert Camus.

Enjoy xx


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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