"Miss Evie will be allowed to finish her test, if she passes then I will return this to her and drop the matter- only if you leave the classroom. Take your test with you, I'll have the headmistress grade it. Out, now."

Bella turned to collect her items, looking at Evie as she grabbed her bag and sent a wink her way.  Once Bella had left, Mr. Deley had everyone go back to their test and he went back to his desk to send an email to Fairy Godmother.

Evie sat there looking down at her test now that she had to do it on her own, she was determined to do good on it more than ever, especially with how Bella stood up for her. She was flattered, she was honored, she was... blushing so much. Her cheeks were so rosy, and she couldn't stop smiling. It was as if she was the damsel in distress, and Bella her knight in shining armor.

Evie focused back on her test, ignoring the urge to doddle hearts on her paper to reflect how she was feeling. She was so glad she had chemistry with Bella.


Bella was out in the picnic area, a notebook in front of her as she had to complete a 'remedial goodness' assignment Fairy Godmother assigned her as punishment, she felt that detention was pointless for someone like Bella so instead she gave her an essay. It was more like a slap on the wrist than a punishment, but Bella wasn't going to complain or question it.

As Bella finished her second paragraph, Evie approached her table and took a seat next to her. She had her graded test with her, she slid it over for Bella to see. 

"For the first time, I feel like I'm more than just a pretty face." The test had a B+ on it, and a tiny 'I apologize' under it. Bella looked at Evie and smiled, she gave her a celebratory hug. "You were pretty great in there, but I wasn't worth getting in trouble for. Thank you, for believing in me and standing up for me. I own you big time." Evie said when they pulled apart, her cheeks just as rosy as they had been earlier.

"You were worth every minute of it. I got a C- though, so how about we get together to study sometime?"

"Yeah, let's get together." They sat there looking at one another,  there was almost no space between them. If one of them were to move even the tiniest amount, one would think they were about to kiss.

Bella, so used to people thinking she was standoffish or a cold bitch, she forgot that ultimately she was just a girl. A girl who had crushes on pretty smart girls with beautiful eyes, a girl who was sweet and sensitive with the right people, with someone like Evie. Bella allowed herself now to forget about the coronation, her brother and parents, and what other people thought of her, just to allow herself to have a crush on Evie. To have a crush and be allowed to just be a teenage girl about it.

Evie decided to give up on the whole 'bringing home a prince', what was the point if her mother would never see her for anything other than her flaws? She would never see her for who she was, choosing instead to always expect her to fit outdated standards for women. Here, she had the chance to be more than just a pretty face. She liked school, she liked being smart and she liked Bella. She liked Bella, and she would never have to force herself to like a guy ever again.

Both girls have now accepted that they've developed feelings for each other, now they just needed to figure out if the other one felt the same way. Well, even if Bella did, Evie still had the whole wand thing to worry about. Oh, and the whole helping Mal use a love potion on Ben... If Bella ever found out, it would ruin any chance Evie had. Shit.

"Evie! I have been looking for you everywhere!"

The girls snapped away from each other, putting distance between them as Mal sat down across from them. This was the second time Mal had interrupted an intimate moment between two people, and she wasn't even aware she was doing it. "Ben asked me on a date! What am I  supposed to do?"

Another Fairytale Story [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now