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The following day came and the school was still buzzing with the news of Prince Ben's love declaration to the new girl from the Isle of the Lost. Some wondered if he was using his proclamation as a match-making opportunity, others wondered why the sudden switch from an ak to a vk. Many tried asking Bella about it- if she knew this was coming, or if she was fond of her brother's new relationship. Bella did not answer anyone's questions, as soon as anyone brought it up she just would just walk away. It was rude, but so were they for being so nosy. The students at Auradon Prep were so gossipy that secrets were rare at this point.

Bella was not only avoiding her classmates, but she was also avoiding Ben. She would always be supportive of her brother, but she knew that if she were to see him right now, she would berate him with questions- which yes, that would make her a hypocrite but she didn't care.  It was just better for everyone if she avoided her brother right now.

Since Bella spent the rest of the day yesterday thinking about the whole 'I love you Mal' thing, she forgot to study for the chemistry test they had today. So there she was currently in between Evie and Doug trying her best to remember all the notes she had taken leading up to the test, but it was just so hard, especially when Evie kept looking for something in her bag.

"Looking for something?" Mr. Deley asked Evie, now standing behind the three of them. Everyone turned to look at him as he pulled out a mirror from his pocket. "Thank you, Chad. It is so gratifying to see someone who still respects the honor code. Miss Evie, it will be my recommendation that you be expelled, maybe even shipped back. Auradon Prep has a strict no-cheating policy." Mr. Deley dared to smirk, to smirk! Evie looked at Bella and Doug for help, and Bella did not hesitate to jump in. She already had a bad reputation with most, if not all, of the male teachers at Auradon Prep.

"That is an invasion of privacy! And a misjudgment of character, you only assumed she was cheating to prove your own biases about Evie because she's from the Isle! Your accusation is unfounded."

"Not that this pertains to you, but Chad came to me about what she told him about her little tool here." There was a tool in the room and it wasn't the mirror. He looked at her and Evie with nothing but loathing. Some people just don't deserve to be teachers.

"Did Chad have proof?"

"Excuse me?"

"Did Chad have proof? Did he provide you with evidence of Evie admitting it? Did he have a video or an audio recording? If he didn't, you're only going off of his word and thus have no ground to stand on. It is in poor taste that you allow your own misogynistic and anti-villain beliefs to get in the way of your teaching."

Bella didn't back down, her glare never faltered nor did she break eye contact with Mr. Deley, she was going to stand her ground. For Evie and for anyone Mr. Deley has tried to look down upon as if he were so high and mighty himself.

"Get out, get out of my classroom and take her with you!" He barked, but Bella didn't move.

"No, Evie will stay and complete her test. You will allow her to finish, grade it fairly, and give her back her mirror. As well as an apology."

"I don't take orders from children, grab your things and go to the headmistress' office."

"You don't take orders from me, but you do from my father." Bella didn't use the 'my father will hear about this' card often, she always felt like she could easily stand up for herself without having to bring the king into it, but times like these called for it.

Mr. Deley stepped back, and for a second he seemed frightened, the king after all was a beast when angry. He cleared his throat and stood up straight, doing his best to maintain his composure.

Another Fairytale Story [REWRITTEN]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن