Im only human but i blame myself

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Tim- hey uh grey just called he said I have as much time off to help u
Lucy- thank you sir
Tim- Boot u have a lot of paperwork u know, how about u start on some
Lucy- I think I'll pass

They both laugh, Lucy was shocked up and the first person to comfort her when she was found was Tim, hes the only person who she can be herself with

Tim- u ok?
Lucy- no, u make a good pillow u know, so sit down
Tim- do I? , fine

He sits down on the couch and Lucy lays on his lap looking up at him

Lucy- I knew u would find me
Tim- well I had too, I told u to go to his house
Lucy- it's not your fault
Tim- yes it is
Lucy- no it's not come here

She gives him a hug and he feels so safe in her presence

Tim- I still fill guilty
Lucy- your only human u never knew that would happen
Tim- I should of , I could of lost u
Lucy- but u didn't, also I have a doctors appointment tomorrow
Tim- do u want me to join
Lucy- ye but u might have to wait in the waiting room
Tim- whatever u need Luce
Lucy- Luce? Huh I like that
Tim- would u like to try sleeping 9n your own tonight?
Lucy- I can't I won't handle it, maybe next week
Tim- ok, I'll be here for u no matter what
Lucy- thank you
Tim- Mhm
Lucy- plus at night ik I'm safe when I'm next to you, your calming scent and if I get too scared I can just cuddle up to you
Tim- if anyone here has a calming scent it's u

Lucy giggles as she shivers

Lucy- I'll be back I'm gonna grab a hoodie
Tim- mk

Lucy goes in her closet and grabs her green sip up hoodie, she zips it up but not the whole way she only zips it up til about just above her boobs

Tim- that hoodie looks familiar
Lucy- hmm maybe cus I stole it from u the night jackson died
Tim- awh, it looks better on you anyway
Lucy- everything does
Tim- can't disagree with that
Lucy- nobody will

Grey calls her

Lucy- sir?
Grey- hey Chen , Bradford has been advised to stay with u every location u go
Lucy- yes sir he uh he told me
Grey- ok c u when u come back
Lucy- yes sir

She hangs up

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