accidents are always another beginning

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Amidst the world of chaos and fame, Kirti stood out as a beautiful girl, strong but cold, surrounded by journalists to get a piece of her life.

The paparazzi and journalist questions began one after another -

"Miss kirti, the rumours about you being behind the accident of your brother's fiance is true?"

"Miss kirti, did you really harm your brother's fiance?"

"Miss kirti, are you doing this to take over the whole S.S. group."

"Do you really want to take the heiress seat of S.S. group as an adopted child?"

" 'Taking over S.S. group' you are really funny why would I want something that I threw away ages ago" the young lady Kirti replied to those journalists with all confidence and power that made them stun.

Grabbing what little privacy was left, hoping for a moment of solace, she hurried to her car.

But fate had something else in mind for her that day. As she approached her car, her phone that was in her hand rang anxiously.

It was her cousin brother, his voice trembling as he informed her of the unimaginable - " sister - elder aunt, and little brother had missing for hours without a trace"

She turned even more pale but stayed alert "don't worry, Aman. You try to trace their location and look for any clue from the near CCTV. I will find them."

A crying voice of man flooded from the other side of the phone "Sorry sister I should have looked after them more "

Her cold face was hard to read, but one can feel her uneasiness from a look in her eyes "Crying doesn't solve problems ".

Overwhelmed with heartache and fear, Kirti frantically started her car and tore out of the parking lot, the world blurring around her. As she raced against time, a sudden shrill ringtone pierced through her anguish-filled mind. The caller display revealed a name that sent shivers down her spine - the very girl who had snatched everything from her and tarnished her reputation with malicious rumors.

' I Knew It Must Be Her'

With a mixture of desperation and trepidation, Kirti answered the call. The girl's voice dripped with sinister delight as she revealed "Oh sister' I just saw your interview outside the hotel i really didn't believe my eyes that you can make such scary face. I was really scared"

Filled with anger kirti said "Stop, tell me where my family is?"

The sinister voice of the girl still continued "Really, my sister is so smart don't worry they are safe, i can't hurt them, we are just here for some talk in old house why don't you join us"

She stopped the car with a sudden break and "Meera, you better not plan anything. Even if I have to go to hell myself I'll make sure to send you hell first."

The girl becomes quite from anger but then again she continues "Sister, don't be angry I'll wait with you here with our family you better be not late. You have twenty minutes."

Fear strangled Kirti's heart as she raced down the highway, each second ticking away with merciless speed. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions, torn between the hope of rescuing her family and the paralyzing terror of what awaited her.

In her haze of panic, she failed to notice the large truck hurtling towards her at the intersection. The collision was brutal, metal screeching, glass shattering. Her car was tossed and tumbled, crashing into the unforgiving divider, leaving her broken and battered.

As Kirti lay trapped in the wreckage, bloodied and gasping for breath, she felt the cold embrace of death creeping ever closer. An ocean of agony consumed her, tears intermingling with the rain pouring outside.

In her darkest hour, she sent a desperate plea to the universe, to anyone who might be listening. With her last fragmented breaths, she longed for someone to be by her side, to offer solace and comfort in her final moments.

'wasn't I supposed to have three more months to live. Am I really dying now?.... Will mother and namit be fine if I don't reach there now?....God, please take care of them for me' many questions and words flooded her mind but wasn't able to make their way to her lips.

But fate, in its enigmatic nature, toyed with her one final time. No one came. The world remained indifferent to her anguish, cruelly withholding the miracle she sought. And as Kirti's breaths became faint whispers, she succumbed to the void, her hopes and dreams extinguished forever.

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