Abrasions Do Heal

Start from the beginning

“Maybe,” he said, examining the rat carefully.

Once they’d entered the Menagerie, Harry found his attention wandering as Hermione flitted around indecisively and Ron talked softly to the shop assistant. He roamed through the shop, looking through the colourful displays of toys and treats. Maybe Fuhrer would like something from here.

His considerations were interrupted by a shrill screech and he turned, shell-shocked as a large orange blur landed roughly on top of Ron’s hair, creating a melange of reds and oranges. Off to the side, Hermione flinched sharply at the din, dropping whatever was in her hand with a loud clang, adding to the chaos. In all the mayhem, Ron’s grip loosened and Scabbers darted off with a terrified squeak, somehow managing to slip past all the people and out into the street despite his alleged ill health.

A moment later, Harry rushed out, swiftly followed by Ron himself, trying to track down a small rat in an alley full of people doing their last-minute shopping.

When they returned to find Hermione cuddling that same cat, similar looks of contentment on both of their faces, Harry should’ve realised all the squabbling that would follow through the year, especially considering the outraged expression on Ron’s usually cheery face.


It had been less than a day but Harry was beyond tired. Ron and Hermione had not laid rest to their fighting since the day before and Harry really just wished that he could slip away. For Merlin’s sake, he hadn’t even had the time to tell them what he’d found out! Apparently, Sirius Black was after him and no one had had the decency to tell that to his face.

At least I still have Fuhrer, Harry smiled as he felt the dog nudge into his legs. The dog was under the Invisibility Cloak and as of yet, had remained as still as he could while still remaining close to Harry. That morning when Harry had presented the Cloak to Fuhrer and explained the situation to him, Fuhrer had simply stared at the Cloak for a little while before gently nuzzling his face against Harry’s and letting Harry drape the fabric over him. Small mercies. I’m glad he seems to understand me so well.

Fed up with his friends’ incessant arguing, Harry stormed off, boarding the Train on his own and looking through the compartments in hopes of finding someone decent to share one with. He lit up as he noticed Ginny and Neville with another blonde sitting in one, chatting quietly.

“Do you guys mind if I sit here?” He asked, not wanting to seem as though he was intruding. Behind him, Fuhrer remained a steady presence.

“Of course, Harry!” Neville smiled. “You can sit with us whenever. Though, why aren’t you with Hermione or Ron? Not that I mean to pry or anything!” His quick backtracking made Harry laugh as he slipped into the compartment and made sure Fuhrer was able to, as well.

“I do mean to pry.” Ginny said, flatly. “They’re arguing again, right? You can come sit with us whenever they’re being stupid.”

“Why would they be arguing?” Neville said, a concerned furrow appearing between his brows.

As the train started  moving, Ginny began bringing Neville up to date on the other two and Harry took the chance to observe the unknown blonde in front of him. She was sitting next to Ginny, who was directly across from him. In some ways, the girl vaguely reminded him of Daphne. She had a similar hair colour and length, although this girl’s hair was much wispier and seemed somewhat neglected in contrast to Daphne’s sleek, tidy style. Her eyes are lovely, Harry noted. They were light grey and wide, contributing to her ghostly aura, a far-off look in them even as she observed him back.

“So, I don’t think you’ve met Luna before, have you, Harry?” Ginny asked, jolting Harry from his observations.

A little sheepishly, he shook his head, embarrassed at being caught staring at some unknown girl. Ginny just smiled knowingly, “This is Luna Lovegood. Luna, that’s Harry Potter.”

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