ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜𝟘: 𝕊𝕠𝕗𝕥 𝕜𝕟𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕝𝕖𝕤

Start from the beginning

Ares rolled his eyes and pushed Theo away, something I wanted to do myself, and came to stand next to me. "How are you?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and straightened myself, not realizing what he's talking about.

"Wha- oh."

I sighed and started walking again, Ares and Theo immediately jogging to my side. "Rivo is completely ignoring me, and I actually haven't seen Riccardo since yesterday."

Of course they know I told my brothers.
As soon as I walked into my room I called them and explained everything, not missing a single detail.

"It could've been worse, I guess." I shrugged, trying to convince myself.
Rivo will get over his thing eventually. He won't just ignore me for the rest of his life, that's absurd.


"What is the douchebag even pissed off about?" Ares furrowed his eyebrows, looking down to meet my eyes.

I didn't have an answer to give him, and that was the worst part.
I have no idea what this 'thing' is, and I have no idea what I can do to make this awkwardness go away.

"Fuck." Theo muttered and lifted his hand up, trying to hide his face with his arched palm. "Crazy chick coming through."

I stopped over-thinking about everything and followed his line of sight, immediately realizing who he's talking about.

Raven, the same cheerleader I spilled water on and called me a bitch, is walking straight down the hallway.

To my defense, she crashed into me just as much as I crashed into her.

This time, she was wearing the same uniforms as everyone else.
Her black hair was tied up in a long, tight ponytail, and she didn't even glance at anyone as she walked with a furious expression on her face.

"Isn't crazy a bit much?" I raised my eyebrow, but it seemed like Theo had a complete different opinion.
He moved to stand behind Ares and I, shielding his entire body from her sight.

"You don't know shit, she's fucking crazy." he hissed, keeping his head down. "It all started when I decided to explore, alright? I wanted to know where everything is in this giant school."

"Was that when you skipped physics without telling me?" Ares suddenly cut in, looking at Theo over his shoulder. "I had to fight the urge to punch that teacher all by myself."

"Oh, yeah." I nodded and pointed at Ares with a smile. "She was the one that sent me to the principal's office."

"This is not about any of you!" Theo shushed us and held Ares' shoulders tightly.
We all watched silently as Raven stormed past us, finally letting Theo relax.

"What did she do to you?" I tried not to smile, but the serious look on his face was making it really hard.
He's scared of a sixteen years old head cheerleader.

"I walked around, okay? And I eventually ended up at the gym." he narrowed his eyes at my smile, but still continued his story. "Look, I didn't even know where I was when I accidentally barged into the girls locker room."

"No!" I widened my eyes and put a hand over my mouth, trying so hard not to laugh.
No fucking way. "What did you see?"

Theo ran a hand through his hair, not looking at any of us. "A lot."

"You're such a waste, man." Ares threw his head back, and his groan was even louder than my laughter.

"Exactly!" Theo exclaimed, nodding rapidly. "But that psycho didn't even let me utter a word before she started yelling and punching me."

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