Chapter 1

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Snow couldn't sleep Rumpelstiltskin didn't say anything about their second daughter she didn't know if that was a bad thing. Her husband sure thinks it was good his second daughter didn't have a big job as a savour as his first daughter. It why he slept so soundly. Snow sighed getting out of bed she went downstairs careful just in case she fell and hurt her and her babies. She walked down the dark hallway to the cell.

"I was wondering how long you will take until you come back dearie. No prince Charming to snap with his sword." Rumpelstiltskin asks.

"You didn't mention anything about the twin." Snow stated.

"Yes well dearie the baby will be perfectly fine pay attention to the first baby I will ensure the twin is okay. I have much in store for the second princess." Rumpelstiltskin says Snow looked at him in concern and fear for her second child.

"What do you mean? And if you think that soothe my worries. Tell me one thing about her future please?" Snow pleaded. "I'll do anything."

"Snow! What are you doing!" Charming ran down towards Snow.

"Your second child will be caught in the curse like all of us." Rumpelstiltskin told Snow before finishing it with. "Don't worry about paying me back you will find out later."

Snow and Charming sat in their bedroom Charming couldn't believe Snow would go meet Rumpelstiltskin alone and make a deal. He couldn't help but feel angry towards her.

"I'm sorry okay?" Snow apologizes.

"I know you are I'm just worried what he gets out of that deal." Charming tells her. "What else did he say?"

"I don't know exactly I'm worried he is interested in taking the baby he said he'll 'ensure she is okay'." Snow answers.

The day the curse glide over the hills while Charming is wishing his wife luck and saying goodbye to her Snow ended up in labor it was too late for her and the second princess to join Emma. Snow White looked down at the tiny baby that cried out.

"You have to take her." She said softly to her husband despite everything in her that wants to keep her child she knew it was best for Emma and everyone in her kingdom. "Take the baby to the wardrobe."

Charming took Emma but stared back and forth between Snow and Emma with widened eyes.

"Are you out of your mind?" He exclaimed as he held his new daughter close to his chest he knew it was best he just couldn't help but want to keep Emma close. Snow shook her head as more tears started to form in her eyes.

"No, no, no. You don't know what you're saying." He stated firmly and sat back down beside her. She couldn't possibly mean it, sending their daughter away to some strange world. Alone. Snow nodded.

"No, I do. We have to believe that she'll come back for us." She said and looked down at her sweet baby gently ran her hand over her soft cheek. "We have to give her her best chance."

She then kissed Emma's forehead an then kissed Charming.

"Goodbye Emma..." She softly says as she began to sob openly. As Charming closed the door behind him to reveal Rumpelstiltskin at the door way.

"What's the matter dearie?"

The voice made Snow jump and gasp when she looked up and saw none other than Rumpelstiltskin. Who moved other sitting on the foot of the bed.

"What are you doing here?! How did you get out!?" She exclaimed angrily as she looked around for some kind of weapon. Rumple just chuckles and shook his head.

"I came to see the second princess." He answered with a smirk. "Which seems to be coming now."

He looked outside at the ominous dark clouds approaching and then turned back to Snow who was now screaming in pain as their second child began to make its way into the world. Snow White once again held a baby girl in her arms. This time it wasn't Emma, but instead it was Emma's younger twin sister, who she hasn't exactly named yet.

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