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"Time for the rings!", aadi shouted in excitement as if he was going to be engaged making all of us laugh at his antics. I smacked his head slightly so that he could stop embarrassing himself.

"Don't embarrass yourself Bhai", I whispered in his ear which made him roll his eyes at me.

Aunt looked at me and taehyung and said "Do you want to select individually or together?", wait... aren't we supposed to hide the rings from each other? Nevermind.

"Taehyung, can we please select it individually? It will be more interesting then", I stated to which he nodded slightly.

Me, mom and aadi went the right way while taehyung and aunt the other, not before telling us to meet on the same spot.

A week passed by so quickly and everyone was busy making arrangements for the grand engagement that was going to be held shortly. Today was the day where we will be starting this relationship and it would be a lie if I said I wasn't nervous.

I was excited as well as scared for some reason. The event would take place at 7 pm and we had three hours left but the elders were making a fuss telling that they had no time.

This entire week, me and taehyung bonded really well. Every night after dinner, we would go to the terrace and talk about random stuff. The sad part is that none of us confessed. We are either too shy or too patient to wait for the opposite person to confess their feelings first.

Right now, I was playing Ludo with jungkook as he was insisting on me for a long time. Everything was arranged, from outfits to decorations to makeup artists. I knew everything would be perfect and I was so ready for this.

I wonder how taehyung must be feeling.

After half an hour or so, we stopped playing and went to our respective rooms to start getting ready especially the ladies of the house 'cause I strangely agree with the fact that we take a lot more time than men. Obviously men do not have to put on these heavy lehengas, jewellery and makeup so understandable right?

The makeup artists were already in my room and looking at how many make-up stuff they had brought I was damn sure that it is going to be coarse and tiring.

After two hours long which felt like eternity finally got over.

(The outfit)(A/N: I'm in love with this T-T)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(The outfit)
(A/N: I'm in love with this T-T)

Everyone was downstairs except me, sia, saanvi, chachi, Irene unnie, aunt and mom. We were all stuffed in a room fighting for mirrors, borrowing stuffs and complimenting each other.

I dressed up in the walk-in closet and looked at myself in the huge mirror. "Damn I look pretty"
I checked myself one last time before walking out to the room, curious about their reactions.

AJAB SI || Taehyung FFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin