All his men started running towards me ready to attack and i smirked cracking my knuckles, time for some fun.


"Are you okay?" I forwarded my hand to the lady still sitting on the floor breathing heavily, her eyes wide and scared. She looks at the men that were running away with their broken bones.

"T-thank- uhem thank you- yes I'm okay." She took my hand and stood up slowly, her clothes were dirty from mud but they look expensive.

She must be rich.

I grabbed her purse and placed everything back inside it, "I guess they stole the bit of cash was in it other than that your card is not stolen." I handed her the purse back and she was just...staring at me.

"O-okay, I don't care about money, I'm glad you ..." Looking down, "you saved me or else i wouldn't have... survived that" she chuckled a bit pushing back her fringes of blonde hair.

I smiled, "No problem. I'll call you taxi-"

"No, my driver is on his way." She looked in her phone then a car pulled up to the other side of road, both of us started walking towards it.

"May i know your name?" She asks once we reached her car, i looked at the car it was...

A Porche!

"I-i i'm Harry styles " i said as i looked back at her, "go home safe-"

She suddenly grabbed my hand placing a card in it, "This is my business card. I would like to return the favour someday Mr styles. Please feel free to text me or visit my work place if you need anything."

Now that we're standing under street light i can see her face clearly, she had blue eyes...

I nodded lost at words as i took the card without looking at it. She smiled and opened the door, getting inside she left and i was just standing there lost...

What the fck just happened. I sighed and patted my cheeks, "Get yourself together man!" I turned towards the way back to house I'm living in.

I looked down at the card and my jaw dropped as i read the name,

Anna Hazel

The CEO of Haze Ltd.

No way, is this a sigh for me to move on?

I smirked, if only could get that thing that matters the most today I'll be able to find out Louis and then his fate will decide how things should end.

"The game is about to began my sunshine..."

This is just the begging of a brutal end that awaits you.



It's been five years since we all shifted to London.

I looked down at the two little lives in my lap, these are my whole life now. I can't risk anything and do something that'll cost me to lose the only people i have now.

I leaned back in the bed, closing my eyes i thought back to the first time i met Harry.


"Yes I'll take care of tha-"


I frowned and looked at the man beside me, wailing like a kid. Dressed in a trouser and white shirt that has spilled wine on it, also his hair looks damp.

I raised my eyebrows, "I'll call you later." I said before i hang up. I moved closer to the wailing man, "Excuse me?"

He lifts his head and looks at me, his nose pink his eyes red from crying and his lips pouting. Awe he's so cute, his green eyes were glossy and his tears shining in the dim light of the pub.

"You alright?"

His face scrunched up abd he sobs again like a little kid, "No I'm not!" He hiccups as he rubs his eyes, "I'm not al- right at all!"

I smiled at his cute hiccups and placed my hand on his back, "It's okay let it all out. Calm down-"

"How can i!" He wails and grabs my hands looking at me with those green doe eyes he says, "I worked so hard on this case but at the end it was transferred to Matt! That rascal bloody bastard- hiccup- and he got all the credit when it was me who worked my arse off to collect all the evidence and god knows what shits- even broke up with my fcking girlfriend but didn't let that affect the case at all!"

My eyes widened stared at him as he was panting now, his face sweaty as he runs his fingers through his damp hair pushing them back, "Oh..."

He looks at me with his glossy eyes, "and guess what? I accidentally bumped into a waiter while we all were having team dinner and this is how wrecked i look right now!"

I giggled as i covered my mouth that made him look at me in disbelief, "See i look like a clown!"

I reached forward and cupped his jaw, "Hey, you're not looking like a clown." I stroked his chin with my thumb as he pouts, "you look adorably sexy right now. Your pink nose is cute and your pouty wet lips are pretty tempting you know."

He grins a dimple appearing on his cheek he says, "Then kiss me you fool."

Smirking back i leaned forward wrapping my lips around his, claiming him.

Now he's mine.

But now he's not mine anymore.

I have no idea where he is now and how he's doing. I'm not in contact with anyone i used to be with there, only Zach and Zayn.

I think he is happy now that I'm not in his life anymore.

I think he's living his life and has probably moved on by now.

I shouldn't hold grudges too, "Momma?" I looked down running my fingers through his hair i said, "I'm right here my lovely boy..."

I smiled as he snuggled in my arms falling back asleep, how will i bring myself to hurt the  man because of whom i have these two happiness in my arms today.

I can't bring myself because if my kids find out what i did to their father, they'll hate me and i would never want that to happen.

"I hope you live happily Harry, i wish nothing more than your happiness..."

I hope i never see you again amore mio...

✿⁠ The End of Book 1 ✿

Book 2 'Vendetta'  prologue will be published on 1 May.

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