The End

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*Five Years Later*

"Harry that's enough, you're gonna ruin your lungs with that much alcohol!" Liam scolds me and grabs the bottle from me keeping it away. I groaned as i rubbed my face, Niall was eating potato chips beside me as we all were on the couch.

It has been two months since i was released from the prison, at first i almost gave up on my life and stayed depressed in my room.

But with the help of Liam and Niall i was motivated enough to leave my bed and look for job, as i have to earn for myself. Even tho I'm living with my brother right now, I can't be a burden on him.

So i tried out by small jobs like at cafe and restaurants but they all rejected me after looking at my record.

I tried to apply in small companies, each and every one of them said no without giving me a proper reason.

I sighed as i stood up, stumbling a bit making liam stand up with me too "Where you going now?"

"Just... Gonna take a walk, don't follow me." With that i walked towards door, wearing my shoes-i guess i wore them wrong- anyways.

I walked out, my sweatshirt not at all keeping me warm from this winter air. I stumbled a bit but regained my balance chuckling to myself, "Get yourself together Harry..."

I looked up at the sky, dark covered with a blanket of stars. I lost my last hope today,

"Who would want to be near him! Just look at his guts, HEY YOU NO ONE WILL HIRE A TRAITOR LIKE YOU AHAH"

Their laughter ringing in my head making it ache, i stopped as i was now near an alley now. Leaning against the wall i slide down and sat on floor, looking at my hands.

"A traitor..." I closed my hand tight into a fist, "I can do nothing now, I don't even deserve to live-"


I frowned and looked towards the alley across the street. It was midnight, probably some gangsters or

"DON'T TOUCH ME YOU-" Suddenly i heard a loud thud making me stand up straight. I frowned looking around debating whether i should go check or not.

What if someone dies if i don't do something now?

I immediately ran across the street and into the alley to find five to six men cornering a woman. She was crying as they laughed and pulled on her coat.

My jaw clenched when i saw them emptying her purse on ground looking for money while other touch her making her yell at them.

"Hey stop it!" I snapped as i saw a man grab her hair and goes to hit her, he stopped when i yelled.

They all looked at me, i walked towards them slowly "Let that woman go, I've called the cops they're on their way-"

"Who the fck you think you are huh!" A man looking like some drug dealer walk towards me, "Get out of here before i-"

"You what huh," i looked at him as i said, "it's not nice to fight a single woman against six bastard mens alone right !"

He growled cursing as he lifted his fist up and went to hit me but i grabbed his fist and lifted him up twisted it back making him groan in pain. I pushed him back on floor and kicked his back, "Is that all you know about fighting?"

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