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The clock ticked monotonously in the infirmary, reminding the president how long have been the kid unconscious.

Fukuzawa watched over the injured [Name], who was now covered in bandages, wich partly reminded him of Dazai. [Name]'s right leg - which was stuck in the stairs and was left with a bunch of deep cuts - was wrapped in the white cloth from the knee down. Their stabbed stomach was the same again after a few stitches, but it wasn't visible because of the blanket that was over the child's body. The wrist didn't break, like [Name] thought how it would, but instead, there was a medium wrist dislocation, which was handled by a splint. A large amount of band-aids were used to help heal the burns all around the child's body, and with a bigger white one to cover one on their face, under their left eye.

Fukuzawa glanced at the clock, not knowing how long he has to sit there...

...until from the corner of his eyes, he noticed a slight movement coming from the bed, where the child was lying.

[Name] slowly opened their eyes, while trying to sit up on the bed. When they leaned on their arms with the weight of their upper body, the hands started shaking. The pressure was still too much on their injured wrist.

"Be careful with that." Fukuzawa warned calmly, while helping them lean on the backrest of the bed.

[Name] looked at their bandage covered leg, their dislocated wrist and the bunch of bandaids, while wondering out loud: "What the hell happened...?"

The man sighed.

"We don't know either." he shook his head. "Is there anything you can remember? Anything about getting stabbed?"

They unintentionally placed their palms on their stomach. The realization hit them like a truck, now remembering everything that happened that day.

"Oh, yeah. I get it now." [Name] sighed, "I thought all of that was a dream for a second."

Fukuzawa remained silent for a moment, thinking about their response thorougly.

"What do you mean by you thought it was a dream? You got injured in the middle of it, that's enough reason to be able to differentiate a dream and an actual event in your life."

"That's the problem: I can't decide which one is which one. Lately, I feel like I'm not even living in the real world."

This sentence from [Name]'s mouth left Fukuzawa speechless. It took him a moment to interpret what they meant by that. He looked in the eyes of the child, expecting to see some firmness in it, but he was wrong. [Name] was completely clueless to whatever is happening to them. They were looking at the boss with an ask for help in their eyes.

Fukuzawa sighed, and by that moment, Yosano entered the room with a stack of papers in her hands.

"Oh, you are awake." she said as she brought another chair next to Fukuzawa's, and sat on it. "I ran a few scans, and as I see, the biggest injury is the wrist. You don't have an internal bleeding, which is very calming, considering how you got taken into this room. Luckily, the stabbed wound wasn't that deep."

"That's nice... I guess."

Both Fukuzawa and Yosano seemed to want to ask something important from them, but didn't know how.

[Name] focused on the appearance of the woman. Their eyes scanned the butterfly pin in her hair, and something clicked.

"Thank you for your help, Yosano..." They said, with a sight of uncertainty in their voice.

"You are welcome." She slightly smiled at [Name], then turned to Fukuzawa. "Have you already told them about me, president?" She asked. It was pretty unusual for her, that the kid knew her name, even before properly introducing herself, but little did she know, that it's not the first time that [Name] creeped someone out the same way.


Fukuzawa turned to Yosano with a serious look on his face.

"The thing is, that I didn't even mention you, nor who took care of them."

A long, uncomfortable silence took place in the infirmary as Yosano was glaring at [Name] with a surprised look in her face. The kid started fidgeting as they felt the pressure being thrown at them by the speechlessness of the two adults. Their eyes wandered around the room, trying to find a topic to ease the awkward situation with.

When they realized they are covered in bandages, along with with fresh stitches on their stomach, they immediately started thinking of a possible explanation for this. They didn't know why, but something told them it's not supposed to be like this.

A thought ran through [Name]'s head. They had a feeling it's not the best topic to continue the conversation with, but every cell in their body was eager to get an answer from her.

"Yosano-san. How come..." they started, not knowing how to exactly phrase this question. "How come you didn't use your ability on me? I am pretty sure I was quite close to being half-dead..."

Yosano's eyes widened as soon as [Name] looked at her.

"If I remember well, you could've heal my wounds...?" after realizing how weird that sounded, they continued: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't-"

"No, you are actually right about that. We...No, I actually tried. Multiple times, but it didn't work." she said, still being under the shock of the sudden question. "How do you know about my ability?"

"I have no idea."

"Ahh" Yosano sighed as she leaned against her chairs back. "You really don't know? Not even a slight idea about it?" she asked with a hint of tiredness in her voice. [Name] just shook their head.

The woman turned to Fukuzawa, waiting for any guesses related to the child's situation.

"This kid is harder to deal with, than I first thought." the president said, seemingly deep in thought.

"Well," Yosano stood up with a smile. "We better drag Ranpo's ass in here, if we don't want to rot in the infirmary until we find an acceptable theory for this."

"Ranpo is not back yet. He went to solve another case, but he is supposed to be back in any minute now. Please wait for him in the office and inform me when he's here."

"Alright." Yosano said, then left.

[Name] was left with the old dude again.

"Uhm... Who's Ranpo?"

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