W2S/Harry Lewis- Love and Marriage

Start from the beginning

"I know." She smiled. If she was completely honest with herself of course she would like a wedding day but she'd swap it for a life with Harry any day. 

There was one person that Lottie knew she could always speak to and that was Freya, they were in a similar situation of being pressured by others to tie the knot. The day after Harry's admission Lottie and Freya were having lunch, Lottie having messaged Freya the night before asking if she was free. 

"I really hope you're not bothered by what happened at Sidecast, you know they're just messing," Freya stated concerned, there was something in Lottie's message which sounded urgent.

"No it's not that, not directly anyway. We had a chat about last night and Harry said he wanted to be a husband. I've always made my peace with not getting married because I've always told myself it's not his thing and that's absolutely fine it's not a deal breaker for me but now he's gone and said this and a little part of me thinks there's hope? It's just confused the whole thing," Lottie sighed. It wasn't really that deep, she just needed to get it off her chest and would be fine after they discussed it. 

"It's Harry, nothing he does makes sense." Freya loved Harry, but the man was an enigma. 

"I know. It keep things interesting at least," Lottie joked. 

Meanwhile Josh and Harry were filming some Sideman reacts. They had finished watching two videos, one on the funniest ArthurTV moments and another on Karen freakouts. After they had finished Harry asked if Josh had some time to stay on the call but they stopped recording. 

"What's up mate?" Josh asked noticing Harry wasn't his usual self. 

"Can you just propose to Freya? I need the heat taking off me a little bit," Harry launched straight into it, letting his intrusive thoughts to the forefront yet again. Josh sat there shocked, Harry hated it when people asked him to propose to Lottie now he was turning it round and doing the same thing to Josh?

"Neither of us want to get married though," Josh replied earnestly. It wasn't on either of their radars. 

"Bollocks, what do you do when you want a wife but not a wedding? That's where I'm at. I know Lottie says she's fine and not bothered but I think if she had the choice she would want a wedding, she bloody loves them." Harry then smacked his head on the desk, causing Josh to recoil a little, one day this was was going to seriously hurt himself. 

"What is it about weddings you hate? Maybe there's a compromise somewhere." Josh, ever dependable sensible Josh. 

"It's just the whole day mate top be honest. I just don't like being the centre of attention." 

"Then just go to Greta Green, get married, come back down here and go to the pub with everyone," Josh shrugged. If him and Freya ever changed their minds that'd do something low key like that. 

"I just think Lottie deserves a really nice day," Harry sighed, nothing felt right.

" She deserves a bloody medal for putting up with you for so long." 

"I know. She deserves the world." 

As the weeks went on things went back to normal and there was no more wedding talk. The guys had stopped teasing about it and had moved on to joked about something else, as these things tend to happen. Even with Vik's wedding neither Harry nor Lottie brought up their future. What was planned however was a long trip away; Japan, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. It was the night before they were due to go away when words fell out of Harry's mouth Lottie would not have expected in a million years. 

"Thinking about our long layover in Dubai maybe we could go and get married?" Harry suggested. 

"What have you been smoking?" Lottie laughed brushing the question off but when she saw Harry's face fall she quickly realised this wasn't a joke. "Wait, you're being serious?"

"I'm sorry. I just thought, maybe you w..wa..wanted to." Harry's stutter  came in as he looked on the floor looking defeated. 

"This has all come as a shock Hal that's all." Lottie was the only person Harry let call him Hal, it sounded weird coming from anyone else. She walked over to him and placed her hand round his biceps which were slightly bulging from his white t-shirt. His blue eyes looked into hers, she shot him a small smile which he returned. 

"I love you Harry, I want to spend the rest of my  life with you. I don't need that day or that piece of paper. If this is something you really want then we can do it, whatever way you want to do it however you feel comfortable." Lottie's hands moved round to behind Harry's back. Harry smiled widely and embraced Lottie also giving her a big smile. 

"Maybe not Dubai but I do have something we can do now." Harry let go before fumbling around in his  pocket of his pyjamas bringing out a small red velvet box. Lottie gasped, her perfectly manicured hands going to her mouth. 

"Do I have to go down on one knee?" Harry moaned feeling embarrassed and it was only us two. Lottie giggled and shook her head, Harry was being so himself in that moment and it made it perfect. 

"Lottie, w..w...wi..will  you marry me?" 

"Of course I will you doughnut." 

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