Chapter Sixteen

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Hermione froze, inclining her head toward Malfoy in disbelief. "Psychosis?"

His silence was the all the answer she needed. The words came tumbling out of her mouth without thinking.

"You know, that's a very intense word. You cannot just throw it around anywhere you'd like. There are real people with this diagnosis. Making light of those people-" Hermione couldn't help thinking of Neville's parents. Their Psychosis was due to the Cruciatus, but she knew the damage and hurt it caused Neville to see his mother and father that way with no end in sight. Hearing Malfoy throw the term around, irritated her to no end. "-with serious mental health issues is disgusting. Even for you."

He was just staring at her, slack jawed and blonde eyebrows raised. Hermione couldn't even pause in her rant for him to continue his explanation with how heated she was. Back on her feet, she marched closer to him without fear, falling back into old habits.

"Honestly, Malfoy! Psychosis of what? Don't tell me you and your evil little friend have gotten into muggle drugs now, too! Why should I believe a thing you are saying? Death Eaters getting hopped up on too much dark magic is what's happening, getting big-headed, thinking they are invincible. Psychosis, my ARSE, Malfoy!" Breathing heavily, Hermione's head was tilted back to look up at Malfoy, who was smirking and, when she didn't utter another word, he started to chuckle.

Malfoy laughed at her, crossing his arms in front of his chest, then he looked down at her and merely commented, "You only ever curse when you are vexed, it's incredibly amusing."

Hermione screamed in frustration. "Get OUT!"

He rolled his eyes at her. "No. Like I said, I need to explain. Give me the courtesy of that, at least. Astoria put herself at great risk today, and I'll be damned if you won't shut up and listen."

Hermione was taken aback. How did Astoria put herself at risk by showing her? And perhaps it was a trick anyways? Something to keep her occupied while being held hostage. She wouldn't put it past them. She didn't even know them. But seeing how she had no choice in the matter, Hermione glared but sat back down on the edge of her bed to listen.

Malfoy rubbed his forehead with his hand. "So, where to begin. No, I wasn't using Psychosis lightly. In fact, nobody else likes to even use it officially. But that is the technical term for the Madness. It's a disease. Incurable. Deadly."

"Get to the point. Am I at risk?" Hermione blurted out, unconvinced.

"Granger, I swear to Salazar. Let me finish." He swiped a hand through his hair. "No, you of all people will not get it. It's from continued use of Dark Magic. Extended use of dark curses. The more you cast, the faster it progresses. We glamour the effects that the psychosis causes, at the Dark Lords demand.. As the Psychosis affects our minds, the disease ravages our bodies."

"Astoria's darkened veins." Hermione whispered.

"Yes," Malfoy confirmed solemnly. "Astoria and Theo are the worst off. Tori was used a lot to deal out punishments to fellow Death Eaters, but it's gotten to be too much. She doesn't have a lot of time left if she continues to use any sort of Dark Magic." He started to pace in front of the footboard of Hermione's bed, gesturing to her as he talked. "Now, Granger, I need your word that you won't say a single thing."

"About what? This... this Psychosis? What is there to say about it?"

"No, damnit. Granger, your word."

Hermione threw her hands up. "I can't give you my word unless I know what we are discussing. But I shouldn't have to tell you, obviously, that there is no one here that I talk to besides Tilly."

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