ASEAN meets Singa's younger selves

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COS=colony of Singapore
S.M=south Malaysia (Malaysia state Singapore)
Y'all should know who's who ok?
(A/N one of them aren't in the story BC he's a baby, he can't join us for today's chapter)

It was on fine day and the ASEAN were doing all kinds of things like Malphilindo are creating a havoc Bru and Singa were trying to get Malphilindo to stop.Viet ,Thai Laos and Cammy were chitchating about random stuff. Myan and ASEAN were in the kitchen preparing lunch.And Timor was watching tv.

Dun dun duuuuun!!!A portal came out of nowhere and 3 kids came out of the portal. One was blue with a British flag at the top left corner of his face, one has the Japanese flag but all covered in scars and bruises and the last one has Malaysias flag.

Bru:who are you,kids?
COS:my name is colony of Singapore
S.T: Watashiwa Syonanto desu(my name is syonanto..)
S.M: my name is Singapore

The ASEAN family were confused. "Wait wait wait.. you two said you were whooo?!"MYAN asked. "Myan,they clearly said that their name is Singapore "ASEAN replied to Myan. Then ASEAN turned to S.T and said,"except for that one."


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