Human Branch: Drinking

Start from the beginning

"I'd hang out with you off of work too, even if you were sober and grumpy like earlier." You teased him a bit. He scoffed and pouted a little. "You'd have to be pretty lonely to feel that way though."

He silently looked down at the counter with a small frown. You immediately regretted what you had said, but he spoke before you could apologize for overstepping. "You're right." He muttered. You looked at him sadly.

You rested a hand on his forearm reassuringly. "I meant what i said, I would love to hang out with you outside of work." You removed your hand from his arm while he watched you. You reached into your outfit pocket and brought out a pad of paper and a pen you take bigger orders on. You wrote down your number and set it in his hand and folded his fingers over it with a small pat. "You can call me when you want to talk or we can arrange to hang out whenever we can, and I'm not just saying this because I'm drunk, not that I'm even that drunk anyways." You chuckled lightly as you backed away.

Branch stared at you with a shocked expression. He looked at the piece of paper in his hand before stuffing it in his pocket. "That really means a lot to me." He smiled with half lidded eyes as he looked at you.

You averted your gaze anywhere else as your own cheeks grew hot. Branch was a really handsome man; anyone would be flustered by the way he was looking at you right now. Even straight men.

"I wouldn't do it for just anyone so don't take that for granted." You pointed towards his pockets while he chuckled a bit. He stayed in the bar while you finished cleaning and getting everything closed down for the night. Branch stood behind you as you locked the door to the building.

"You're not driving, are you?" You asked him. He nodded his head, he was going back to being grumpier than before, you were glad as that meant he was sobering up.

"No, I walked here. I don't live too far away." He responded. "You aren't either right?" He furrowed his brows as he looked at you questioningly.

"I don't even have a car at the moment, make sure you check your oil by the way because i waited too long." You made an angry face remembering how your car had broken down. (THIS IS A TRUE STORY BTW HAPPENED LITERALLY YESTERDAY IM SO MAD)

"I'm about a half hour walk from here, I should be fine." You turned towards him.

"Thats kind of far for you to walk alone this late at night, can i walk you home?" He tilted his head a bit.

"I don't know... Then you'd have to stay the night because you can't walk back this way for the same reason." You voiced.

"I really don't mind walking back alone, its not a big deal. I would rather do that than not see you here again." He said, he was obviously still tipsy enough to say things without thinking first.

"No sir, the only way you're walking me home is if you stay the night. You're too drunk to walk too far alone anyways." You chuckled assuming he would give up now.

"Fine then. I have everything i need with me. I can sleep on the floor or if you have a couch that would be better. So which direction." He stepped and looked past you down the road.

"Um, this way." You pointed in the direction of your house; it was actually an apartment though. "Are you sure you're fine with this?" You said as you took the first couple of steps in the direction of your home.

"Yeah totally, I bet your place is nicer than mine anyways. I sleep on a mattress on the floor." He dropped casually. You looked at him from the side of your vision as he walked next to you.

"You seem like you've been through a lot to be where you are now." You said to him. He walked in silence for a moment before responding.

"I would say so, yeah." He closed his eyes while nodding slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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