Branch: Hanahaki Disease

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As a young troll you had learned of Hanahaki, the disease that causes you to cough up flowers in the case of one-sided love. There was the option to get these flowers surgically removed at the cost of losing the love felt, however for trolls, this wasn't possible. Trolls just simply weren't medically advanced enough for that type of thing. Not that you would want that anyway. In your mind, there was only two ways to be cured of the disease.

Either the love would be returned, or you'd die. Simple as that.

You never thought you would be in that position until you coughed up one small petal into your hand shortly after meeting Branch. You met him when he came to your home looking for his brother, Clay. You had been so anxious about the Bergens you hadn't thought of love or Hanahaki in years. When Viva decided to leave to go after her sister to save Floyd you had begged to go with. You weren't sure what exactly had come over you. Once you made it to Mount Rageous and rendezvoused with Poppy and Branch you were the one to console him about his brothers while Poppy bonded with her sister. In an active car chase!

Branch was turning grayer as the time went on and they got closer to the kidnappers, so you sat with him.

"We can get them." You had a hand on his back. "I promise." You raised your pinky to him. Branch lifted his eyes to meet you, a desperate look inside them. For trolls, pinky promises were very important. He brought his pinky up and you smiled at him as he locked his with yours.

"Thank you, Y/n. I'm really glad you're here." He had wrapped his arms around you. This was the first time he made your heart race and your face flush.

"A-anything for you, Branch." You stuttered. You smacked yourself mentally for stuttering. Branch had squeezed you a little before letting go and holding your hand with a more determined look in his eyes.

"Let's go get my brothers."

And that you did. Velvet and Veneer were sent to jail while the family cried over their unmoving brother. That was until he woke back up and everything was happy again. You watched from a distance with a few tears falling from your eyes from how happy you were for them.

Branch was hugging Floyd when you had the urge to clear your throat, nothing crazy. Just a small "ahem" to get whatever was blocking your airway. But it turned crazy when a singular small petal fell into your hand.

You stared at the small pink object with wide eyes for what felt like hours. When you regained your senses, you quickly tucked it away in your pocket and looked around to see if anyone noticed. You met eyes with Floyd from over Branch's shoulder, his eyes just as wide as yours, even though he had no idea who you were.

That was the start of a friendship you hadn't ever expected. Over the next couple months, you had grown very close with the brothers and that whole group. Your condition had gotten worse and worse quicker than you expected. Other than Branch, Floyd was your best friend through all of this.

"Y/n.." Floyd started on no special day. You had just finished having a coughing fit over a trash can, the two of you were in your pod in pop village. Wiping a little blood off your lips you turned to him. "I think you need to do something soon; you're not looking to good." He trailed off, he had a hand placed gently on your back.

"Thats not how you talk to someone." You rolled your eyes. "I think I might just be better off dead at this point."

"Don't say that! Thats not even funny!" Floyd urged. "Listen, I've been asking around about Hanahaki, I found someone who's had it before. Maybe he can give you some advice."

"What!? You told others that I have it?!" You whipped your head in his direction. Floyd lifted his hands up and waved them around defensively. "I just asked around about the disease a little. Turns out Clay has had it. Please talk to him. I think he could really help you." His arms fell to his side as he stared at you. Your eyes trailed to the ground as you thought.

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