Branch: Rock Star

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For you, today had been a long eventful one. Barb had gone on her world tour and tried to "unite" all the trolls under rock. You hadn't been a very big part in saving the day, you got captured by the kpop trolls with Branch and had all of that going on. After convincing the kpop and reggaeton trolls to help you, you all turned up on Barbs stage to save the day. You had saved Poppy from becoming a rock zombie by jumping in front of the blast. You don't remember much after that until you woke up lying on the ground with Branch holding you up. All the trolls were singing and getting their colors back at this point.


At the moment, you had found yourself at the top of a tree watching the moon rise. You needed a moment away from everything to think and breathe. Your tail hung over the side of the branch and flicking every couple minutes.

Between the moon and other bioluminescent creatures, the scene had a blueish hue. A small breeze went past you as you closed your eyes.

"Mind if I join you?" You peaked with one eye open as Branch balanced his way down the tree limb.

"You know I don't." You smiled while patting the spot next to you.

Branch took a seat facing the moon. He let out a loud sigh as he did so. "Crazy day, huh?" He smiled as he turned to you.

You turned your head to him, letting it rest on your shoulder. "Crazy couple of days really," You closed your eyes and turned back to the moon. "I just need to destress and relax."

He let out a breathless laugh. "I'm glad you feel the same way. Everyone else down there just wants to party and celebrate." He had turned back to the moon and was leaning back on his hands. His tail was flicking periodically and grazing yours every couple minutes.

"I can't imagine not being exhausted after all of that!" You rolled your head on your shoulders. "Maybe it's just cus I was the only zombie."

"Well, Poppy was a zombie too." Branch remembered. "I guess not really, she just pretended to be one.

"I never was caught up on what happened while I was zombified." You raised your eyebrow at him. "Care to catch me up, did I look different?"

"Yeah!" He scoffed. "Very different. Your eyes were completely red and you had tattoos everywhere! Except your face... You also had lots of black eyeliner on." He had brought a hand up to his face and tapped his chin.

You looked at Branch while nodding but saying nothing. You urged him to continue.

"Um, yeah that was pretty much it look wise. I mean your hair was kind of crazy. You still talked though and stuck your tongue out a lot." His face darkened a little and his tail flicked a little more. "You didn't really say much, you talked about partying and tattoos but nothing crazy."

"Hmm." You kicked your feet back and forth.

"Other than the whole 'not being yourself' part the look really suited you." Branch avoided eye contact and had brought both of his hands to his lap and was fiddling with them. "But i prefer you as you are now, i like you a lot more this way."

Your face grew a shade darker at the small compliment. You cleared your throat. "What about Poppy?" You changed the subject. "You said she pretended to be a zombie."

"Yeah, she did, but I wasn't paying much attention to her. I was trying to figure out a way to get you back. Barb gave Poppy the guitar and she smashed it and that's when you just passed out."

"Aww you care about me." You teased him. His breath hitched and his entire body stopped moving. "Are you okay? Too far?" You grabbed his shoulder.

Suddenly his tail was intertwined with yours and he had placed a hand over the one you had put on his shoulder. "I do care about you, Y/n, more than anyone in the world." He held a small smile on his face. It was your turn to freeze.

"But," You stuttered. Wondering if this was just a friendly gesture. In all honesty you had thought he was in love with Poppy. It was hard to read him at times. "Don't you like Poppy? You could be king one day with her." You began to pull your hand away. Branch tightened his grip on it.

"But I don't want Poppy." He stared at you with adoring eyes. "I don't know where you ever got that from." Branch had moved slightly closer to you, your legs grazing each other now. Both your and Branch's hand had moved down to rest on the tree, still holding each other.

"I don't know, I just assumed every troll would want her, whether it was to be a ruler with her or because she's so likeable."

"What?" His eyes flew open a little. "You really think I would want to be king? And no offense to Poppy, but she's kind of insane." Branch whispered.

You laughed quietly and turned back to the sky for a moment. Branch did the same.

You turned your head back to admire him, your tailed still tangled together, your legs touching, and holding hands. Branch lifted his free hand and pointed at the sky.

"Look! A shooting star!" He was smiling widely.

A surge of courage came over you. You grabbed his cheek with your free hand and turned his face to you. You kissed him with your eyes tightly shut. On the contrary, Branch's eyes had flown open, not expecting this at all.

You began to pull away as Branch wasn't kissing back. "I'm sor-" You were cut off when he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you back into him. He was lost when you first kissed him, when you pulled back, he was brought to the present.

You and Branch shared a kiss that felt like it lasted forever.

"Branch! Y/n! Everyone's leav- OH MY GOOOOSH!" You and Branch jumped at Poppy's voice. She started screaming nonsense that neither of you understood then ran off while still shouting. You assumed to tell everyone.

"So much for relaxing." Branch rolled his eyes. He began to stand up and he offered his hand to help you get up. When you got on your feet you both continued to hold hands, your tails finding each other again.

"I guess we should go say bye to everyone." He sighed. "I wish the two of us could've talked alone for a while longer."

"Don't worry, we can later." You smiled and pulled him into a quick hug. "I'm sure well have lots of alone time together from now on."

"What do you mean by that?!" Branch said pulling away, obviously very flustered.

You just shrugged and smiled.

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