John Dory: Rivalry

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Back in the day you were one of the more well-known artists in the troll world. You had been right up next to Brozone, which was hard to do considering you were a soloist. It wasn't a rare occurrence that you would perform in the same venue on the same night as them. You had sort of a love hate relationships with each of the trolls that had made up the band. All except Floyd, who didn't have a mean bone in his body, and Branch, who was a literal baby.

The one you would bicker with most was none other than the leader, John Dory. He would go out of his way to find you on nights minutes before they went on to make sure you were watching them.

"Don't look away, Y/n. We're going to make boy band history tonight." He smirked at you.

You rolled your eyes. "Sure, JD. I'll believe it when I see it."

"Oh, it's gonna be great. And when we do, we're finally going to beat you in the ratings instead of being tied." He seemed to get lost in his imagination. "It's time, I have to go now. Wish me luck!" He shouted as he ran towards the back of the stage. You had a front row seat with your name on it. You always did. John Dory always made sure you could see how much "better" they were.

That night they did make boy band history. But not in a good way. All of them but Branch had gotten wrapped up in a cord and thrown around the giant room. You watched with your mouth agape as it all unfolded.

After that, your performance was canceled that night as some of the equipment in the venue had been damaged. You weren't sure if you should go see the boys or if your face would be the last one they'd want to see. You decided it would be for the best if you went to your own temporary room that you had been set up in at the venue. 

Later in the night you heard a knock at your door. You cracked it slightly only to see John standing there looking defeated.

You opened the door wider and gestured him inside without saying anything. He made eye contact for a moment before aiming his gaze back at the ground and walking in. You closed the door behind him.

He stood in the middle of your room holding his hands in front of him. "It's over, Y/n. You win." He spoke. You raised a brow and walked closer to him slowly.

"It's never over, JD. No way you're giving up now." You rested your hand on his shoulder. He looked up at you with tired and tear-stained eyes.

"Brozone is breaking up. We're over." He winced.

"Oh, John." You pulled him into a hug. "It was never about the winning for me."

"What was is about then? If you weren't trying to be the best, what were you fighting for?" He pulled back.

"I wasn't fighting for anything." You smiled at him. "I just was happy to have friends who understand me. All the bickering and teasing made it feel like I was a part of your family." You stepped back and smiled at him.

He stared at you for what felt like forever.

"I think I really messed up." He sighed while grabbing his face. "This is my fault."

"This isn't anyone's fault. Things happen." You grabbed his hand and held it in front of you. "What will you do now?" You questioned.

"I think I need time alone. Maybe try a solo career like you." A small smirk tugged at his lips.

"It won't be easy, being solo is harder than being with a band." You scoffed and rolled your eyes. It amazed you that he was still able to joke and tease when his whole life is crashing in front of him.

"I just came to say bye for now." His eyes fell back to the floor. "I need to figure myself out."

"Take as much time as you need." You squeezed his hand. He pulled you into him in a tight hug.

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