Human Branch: Drinking

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(Human Branch is based off of 99kroi's design of him. We ain't stopping til he's drained of all his talent😍😍😼😼😼)

Bartending isn't the type of job you would have expected to have in your adult life, let alone falling in love with it. Most days there wasn't much to do but chat with regulars and try to rack up your tips. The weekends were the busiest and tended to go by faster than weekdays, naturally you got more tips those days, so it was a win/win.

On a day the same as all the rest a rather dull looking man came in. He had black spikey hair, he wore a camo vest with a light blue t-shirt under it which was untucked, and his pants were brown khakis.

You raised an eyebrow as he seemed younger than most people who would come in on weekdays, his own brows were furrowed as he glared at the ground. You made yourself look away and start polishing a glass as to not seem like you were staring.

The man walked to a seat at the bar a couple feet away from where you were currently standing. He placed both elbows on the wood counter and slouched forward a bit. You approached him with a small smile on your face.

"Hi, can I get you anything? " You asked as you put the glass back in its place.

"Just a shot of something, surprise me." He made eye contact with you for a moment. "Thank you."

"Do you want to start a tab?" You asked as you poured a shot of the closest thing you could grab.

"Uh, yeah let's do that." He seemed distracted to you, as most people who drank alone were.

He handed you his card so that you could hold onto it throughout the evening. You helped the few other people who were at the bar, but no one was alone like he was. Something about him was so interesting.

"Do you mind if I join you for a while?" You asked him after he was there alone for about an hour. "Unless you're waiting on someone else." You brought over a round of shots for the two of you. He looked up at you questioningly for a moment before responding.

"Sure. It's just me tonight." He took the shot from you.

"Great!" You grabbed your shot and held it up for him to cheer with you. He looked at the glass then to you and smirked. The two of you clinked glasses then tapped the bottoms on the counter and swallowed in one gulp. It was a rather mild liquor and being a bartender, you didn't need a chaser, nor did you make a face.

You began to pour another round. "What's your name by the way?" You asked as you handed him his.

"Branch." He replied bluntly. You raised an eyebrow at him but smiled and stuck your hand out anyways.

"Y/n." He looked at you skeptically before shaking his hand. You finally had made good eye contact with him to see that his eyes were a weird shade of blue that made them seem gray almost.

When the sun had set the bar had gotten just a bit busier, so you had to tend to other guests while also conversing with Branch. He seemed to lighten up after a while, whether it be he had taken 6 or 7 shots by then or he was warming up to you. You were only at 3 by the time the bar had slowed back down, and you could turn your attention back to Branch. His face was reddened due to the alcohol by now and he seemed to be getting just a bit emotional.

"I think I can consider you a friend now, Y/n." He looked at you with a small somber smile. You smirked back.

"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" You had gotten him a cup of water and a small bag of chips that he had been slowly munching on.

"You're the only person that has spent time with me in a long time. And I know it's just because you're bored at work but talking with you has felt genuine." He rested his head on his hand as he looked at you. You laughed quietly as you cleaned glasses, it was getting close to closing time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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