Chapter 6 : Sneak and run

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At the Sakura Empire

Sheffield : " So you mean we go get the inteligent and you boys do the surprise ? "

Samuel B Roberts : " Of course, are surprises can buy you girls time to escape after you guys found the main objective "

Endinburgh : " Hope this will work "

And so, the 2 Royal Navy maid shipgirls head to find their main objective, while Johnston and Samuel are preparing their surprises.

Johnston : " Got all Sam ? "

Samuel B Roberts : *shows the item* " Hehe, of course Johhny. This will be great "

Johnston : " We got plenty of them, so let's make our move now ! "

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Johnston : " We got plenty of them, so let's make our move now ! "

Samuel B Roberts : " Stealthy as a shadow " *use his ninja outfit*

Meanwhile on n a training ground, a Takao class Heavy Cruiser IJN Takao was preparing herself to slash a petal of a falling Sakura flower petal.

Takao : *calming*

Sakura petal : *falls*

Takao : *open her eyes and slash to half*

Zuikaku : *clapping her hands* " Looking good and better as always eh Takao ? "

Takao : " Huh ! As a profesional warrior, i must be more 1 step ahead than my enemy "

Zuikaku : " Guess we have the same thing in our minds then "

Takao : " You look having a rough time " *take 2 water bottles and give 1 to Zuikaku*

Zuikaku : " Yeah, it was my worst day "

Takao : " Go on... " *Drinking her water*

Zuikaku : " A destroyer could easily beating me and not even give me a chance to fight back and he really almost make my backbone break "

Takao : *accidently spit her water* " What ? A Destroyer defeat you that easily ?! "

Zuikaku : " And the most worst is... That destroyer is a male, and his name is Johnston "

Takao : " A male huh... can he even do a karate ? Cause mostly, those Eagle Union ships are heavily depend on ammo and weapons instead their physical body "

Johnston : *eavesdrop on their conversation* ( looks like they really want to challenge me, but i must continue my work )

Meanwhile with Endinburgh and Sheffield

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