Emperor Hayes. 9

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"Why are you still here? This is a table for high nobles, go away, such an irritating pest" A red haired 9 year old child is seen to not welcome Elizabeth

Why do people from this world keep on dividing themselves? , just enjoy life

There are three tables, one tea party table is seated with the princes and Dukes (noting that the other ducal children haven't arrived yet)

Another table is seating of Marques and count children

The last one is for Barons and Vicounts children

And the thing is... The quality of the table, the table cloth, tables and decor and even the fucking food, is dependent on the status of these children

The Royal Family's explaination for it? It's so that everyone knows their place and won't dare to cross the line

It's because in this world, the status of people aren't measured by their money, but rather by their mana

(Explaination: Mana is a magic core that is within a human being, this mana core can run out or be infinite, the dependence of how powerful mana is based on the gods of said world, mana can also be transferred to magic artifacts.)

So some aristocrats were afraid that they'd be replaced by some commoners who are being favored by the gods so they set a boundary that commoners no matter how talented and great can never be nobles, they can only work in the palace, the only way for a commoner to be a noble is if they marry into a noble family

That was the starting point of the plot. Olivia Alliet the villainess was a commoner, although her mother married a noble she was a child from the previous marriage

Olivia wanted revenge on Duke Theodore for forcing her mother to leave them, she cursed the entire Alliet family and their allies

So Olivia framed Elizabeth as the daughter from the previous marriage and says that she is actually the Duke's real daughter in Elizabeth's 18th birthday

Manipulating Theodore's fatherly love for her, she pretended to be the missing light saintess, she worked for emperor Hayes who deemed Theodore useless now, and she told a fake prophecy that Elizabeth will bring ruin to the empire

Well... That plan was busted, the male leads yada yada, Elizabeth proves herself and during one of the dark saint's schemes Elizabeth unleashed her divine power showing she was actually the real daughter and saintess

When everything came crashing down, Emperor Leopold Hayes (wow full name reveal), He abandoned Olivia to save himself from the chaos

Olivia is an epic villainess right? Taking control of the Alliet Dukedom, Disposing of Theodore, The alliance between the Hayes and the dark saint

The thing is, in the original story, Olivia Alliet was just a side villain.

Another side villain in the story was "Zayne Hayes" Son of Leopold Hayes

Zayne's role was to assassinate the male lead Nathaniel Clemonte as Nathan was the heir to the Clemonte Dukedom that rivals the Hayes

The red haired kid that's currently insulting Elizabeth and her origins right now, That is Zayne Hayes

"For your information, I am Elizabeth Alliet, the only child of Duke Alliet, heir to the Dukedom, my status is more than high enough to sit here your highness"

"Hah! Alliet?!?? All the more reason for you to scram away from my sight, your father is my fathers dog, a disobedient one at that"

"If your father treat other people like animals and you treat other people as pests, you guys are the problem, my father's not a dog, he's a loyal servant to the palace, I am not a pest, I am a future pillar as the future Duke of this empire" Elizabeth scorns the little prince

Zayne pours tea on Elizabeth "You act so high and mighty, when the only reason you still have a chance if being a pillar of the empire is because of my father and in a further time me! "

Just as Elizabeth was about to slap Zayne a hand stopped her from doing so


Mother fucking Leopold Hayes, one of the main villains

An adult man and an 8 year old, sure yes Elizabeth will win against him in the future but... Right now she's currently fucking 8

The servant who bought Elizabeth to the green house right now is rushing outside the doors to get Duke Theodore, To maybe try and ease the situation to prevent a father and son on humiliating an 8 year old girl

The children and the servants bow down except for Zayne and Elizabeth "Glory to the Dark Emperor!", No one cares to lift their heads

Leopold's grip on Elizabeth wrists tightened " So you're Theodore's child, I was beginning to think he bailed on me... Not responding to my letters, It seems his disobedience was all because of a demon who killed their own mother"

Prince Zayne then started laughing "pft-Aha-AHAAHAHA! I remember! Father told me that you were the reason Duke Alliet's Wife died! You're so prideful of your father when you're the reason he went into a spiral in the first place!"

"M-my father is getting better! He stopped drinking and he's spending time with me! He's bringing back the dignity of his old self! You have no right to laugh! You arrogant prick!"


"...? " A stinging pain is present on Elizabeth check as well a red hue appearing ever so slowly, the emperor isn't holding Elizabeth's hands anymore, because she's on the floor

Leopold slapped Elizabeth.

While glaring at the child he says "You may have your father's affection now, but a dog will stay true to it's master even if the puppies are killed by them"

(Translation: meaning even if dog owners hurt the puppies of their dogs, the dogs stay loyal to their owners)

"Lizzie! What happened?!?? What's going on?" Theodore comes with the rest of the Duke's and their children

... As well as the other nobles in the ballroom, I mean it's drama, they won't pass on that, the dog and it's master, will doggie really abandon their puppy? No. Not this time.

Theodore kneels beside his daughter and hugs her tightly while looking at Leopold with widened eyes as he realized who this guy was

"It seems you need to teach your daughter some manners Theo"

Theodore bites his lip then responds "I'll parent my child as I see fit, if she said anything rude I'll scold her later, but right now... I need to know what the hell is wrong with you. "


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