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Danny's POV
I. Am. So. Nervous.

Selah's birthday is in a week and I have literally been on edge for the past two days.

She doesn't suspect anything but I can tell she knows something is different. I've been a lot touchy feely with her lately and I think she enjoys it.

It's been a week since she got cleared to come home and she's basically been living at my house ever since. I'm off for a few weeks because my buddy Jaydyn knows about the you know what.

He wants me to make sure I fully prepare everything correctly. Considering that this a major part of me and Selah's life, I better make sure everything is perfect.

"Can we go to Disney world together?" Selah asks, burying her face in my neck as we watch "The Princess and The Frog."

It's her favorite princess Disney movie. I tried to get her to watch something else but she won't even let me touch the remote.

"Yeah, baby. What ever you want." I say, cuddling her tightly. I was laying on my back and she was laying on my chest.

We were in my room. Yes by ourselves and I know what you're thinking. We haven't really done that. We've both agreed to wait til marriage.

My room is very spacious. My bed is huge and my tv is even bigger. All we do is watch movies together, argue over who loves who more, and cook. Well I cook. She just watches me cook.

We don't take showers together. Like I said, we're saving everything until marriage. We do sleep together though.

"You do every thing I say." She smiles, looking up at me. She's so cute. I can't wait to marry her.

We've been talking for a while and it's been a few months since we've dated. Is it too early? I don't know.

"Because I love you." I kissed her nose and she scrunched her face up.

I just hope she says yes.

"I'm a bit tired bub." She yawns, adorably rubbing her eyes.

"Go to sleep bae." I rub her back and keep watching tv.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yes, love."

"Good night baby." She yawns again before leaning up to kiss me.

Seconds later I hear light snores. I couldn't help but laugh.

Hailey's POV
Daniel sent me on a quest to find decorations for his proposal. I can't believe i'm going to be an in law. Maybe not biologically but it's all the same.

"You want blue or white balloons?" I roll my eyes, talking to Daniel on the phone.

"No! I didn't say balloons! I said banners! Can you not hear?" He whisper shouts. He told me that he didn't want to wake up Selah, but that girl sleeps through tornadoes.

"Why couldn't you do this your dang self Colby?" I deadpan, looking at the selections of banners. He hates when I call him by his middle name. For some reason, he lets Selah call him Colby.

"Stop calling me that! She's waking up! Just get black banners! Okay bye!" He hangs up.

"What am I gonna do with him?" I mutter to myself and continue to look for banners.

I found the perfect ones and was on my way to the register, but just as I turned around I bumped into someone, dropping the banners I had just picked up. I prayed to God it wasn't Brianna because I really didn't have time for that.

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