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It has been three days since I have been off from work and I'm not loving it.

I sit and home all day and just watch TV,Eat and sleep.

Even Louise looks bored.

Maybe taking an adventure is maybe MAYBE
not a bad idea.

I have always wanted to try paragliding or maybe even skydiving?

I take my laptop and set it in front of me.


Where should I go?

I search some places in Asia.

Then America.

Then Europe.

I'm scrolling through and I see a lovely villa in Italy.
I have always wanted to go to Italy.

It seems like such a beautiful country.

I decide to book it and hope for a lovely trip.

"I guess I need to find you temporary home huh?"I say looking at Louise who seems unbothered.

"Thanks a lot Rachel"I say handing over Louise to my neighbour.

"No worries,I'll make sure to take good care of her,may I ask where you're headed Eli?"


"Ouuu sounds romantic- I mean you know what they say about Italy"

I look at Rachel with a confused look on my face.

"Never mind,Enjoy yourself lovie"

I blow a little kiss at Louise and head back inside to prepare for my trip.

I have everything I want to do written down on a planner.

I love planners they just make my life so much better.

I HAVE to stick with my planner throughout my entire 7 day trip.


"Flight 7897 to Italy is now boarding at gate 2,Please head to gate 2"The automated voice says over the loud speakers of the airport.

My trip is soon beginning.

See you soon Italy.

And goodbye Liverpool.


"Ladies and gentlemen we are now landing in Roma Fiumicino airport,please do have a lovely stay here in Italy and thank you for choosing to fly with our airline" The pilot says as we descend into Roma Fiumicino.

Going through security and immigration was easy.
Now I need to get my bags.

I get one but I can't seem to find the other bags.

The conveyor belt has gone around almost 10 times.

I head over to lost luggage to report my bags missing.

"Umm excuse me" I say to the lady seated by the desk.


"I cannot seem to find my other luggage,I was hoping you could help."

" uff questi turisti"she said in a seemingly annoyed tone.
(Translation:ugh these tourists)

"Let me check on the system for the luggage of your flight,I just need your ticket"
I hand my ticket to her and she goes on her computer and starts tapping away at it.

I just look around the airport and marvel at the beauty of the airport itself.
The outside must be even more breathtaking.

"ehm mam,it seems some luggage was left behind at the airport in Liverpool
But they are going to send it over right away with a cargo plane.

"No no no,What am I going to wear the other bags had my clothes"

"What about the bag you're holding mam"

"Oh no this just has essentials"

"Sorry mam,you could try the gift shop maybe they might have something"

"Thanks"I say through gritted teeth.

This was definitely not on my planner.

I decide to head outside to get a taxi
To get to the villa.

I managed to get one but when he drops me off.

It seems like it's not the right place.

I start walking around like a mad man
Looking at buildings searching for the place.

Not watching where I'm going
I bump into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry"I say looking up at this tall man
With medium length curly brown hair and a very smiley expression on his face

"No problema"He says with the most sexiest voice and accent I could ever hear.

How can he have such a smiley face but such sexy voice.

"You seem lost, signora"

"I am very lost,Do you perhaps know where the Lucia villa is?"

He gives me a small smile

"Follow me signora"

Oh I'll follow you anywhere


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