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I look up to my boss staring down at me
with a pitiful look on his face.

"Elizabeth,Go home,it's 8pm,What are you still doing here?"

"Oh it's that late? I was just wrapping up the presentation for tomorrow's meeting with Burton-"

"No need,I handed it over to Ellie she'll do the presentation"

"But why"I asked,I would do a much better job than Ellie Anderson.

"You've been working too much Elizabeth,I'm becoming quite worried."

"I'm fine"I say quickly..too quickly.

"No you're not,I'm giving you the rest of the month off and I don't want you involved in any of the work, you NEED to rest"He put a lot of emphasis on the word 'need'.

"Now get up,go home and I don't know maybe take a trip somewhere an adventure even,I hear Italy is beautiful around this time"

I sighed but i complied,I got up and headed home.

I'm Elizabeth Baker.

Pronounced Bah-kar not Bay-ker

I live in Liverpool,alone with my cat Louise.
I wasn't born rich and I don't consider my self rich now but I'm managing well.
I work on the marketing team of Barley Labs.
I love my job


That's a lie.

But I get paid good money and that's all that really matters.

As soon as I reach my flat I see the familiar yet unfamiliar white Rover next to my usual parking spot.
It can only be one egotistical spoiled brat...

"Henry"I say angrily when reach my front door seeing him standing right outside.

"Elizabeth"He says with the same pitiful look he puts up each time I see him.

"What do you want Henry?"


I roll my eyes as I unlock my door.

"Well..I don't want you Henry"

"Why not,I'm rich,Handsome again I say rich"

"That's the problem"

"What? that I'm rich?"

"No Henry"I say turning to face him.
"You really think money can get you anything but in the real world Henry something like love cannot be easily bought by money"

I take a deep breath and soften my gaze a little.

"Henry what we had WAS what we had but now
I don't think we can get it back, I'm not one of your fancy sport cars i can't be bought"

"But sweetheart I love you"

"DON'T call me sweetheart and no Henry you don't love me"

I step into the doorway and look over one more time at Henry.

"Goodbye Henry"

I shut the door and head to my bedroom.

Maybe I do need to rest.

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