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 George upon walking into his room, he shuts the door behind him and runs his hands along his face as he let out a long sigh. 

He looks down while making his way over to his desk. 

He sits down on his spinny chair and folds his arms on the scratched up wood. Resting his forehead on his arm. 

The beta's words still repeating in his head. 

"You can't go around doing shit and automatically think people know you're sorry. The absence of sorry is just gonna make you look like a dick" 

George looks up and moves his eyes to stare at a photo of two kids smiling at the camera. But really looking at the blonde one. 

What if..Dream hates me? 

He was a bit of an actor when he was younger, perhaps he still is. 

Why hasn't he said anything. 

Why has he been nice to me my entire stay even after what I done?  

I don't deserve to be here. 

But where am I meant to go? 

I sent the email through Dream's phone though. 

Sapnap is right, I need to stop being a dick and apologize. 

But it was so long ago. 

Saying it now would definitely not do anythi- 

The sound of the door opening snaps the brunette out of his train of thought. He quickly turns to see Dream's head poking through the doorway. 

"George?", he asked when he walked in. 

"Y-Yeah?", George replies, straightening up his posture. 

"Did..something happen between you and Sapnap?" 

"No..we just talked about something.." 

"About what?" 

"It's n-nothing"  

There was a bit of silence before the blond lets out a sigh. 

"I heard your conversation about..apologies" 

George bites his lip as he rubbed his arm. 

"Why..did you ask then" 

"I wanted to hear it from you. Sorry about lying" 

"Please stop saying that..", George mutters while closing his eyes. 

"Saying what?" 

"You know what" 

"No really I don't-" 

"God you're so oblivious Dream", he grumbles, snapping his eyes open to glare at the other. 

"Help me not be then", he says firmly. Taken aback at the other's sudden tone. 

"Just forget it", George states as he got up. Dream turns while the brunette walked passed him.

 "I can't believe you're doing it again", the blond mumbles under his breath but still making it loud enough for the other to hear.

"Doing what?", George snarls. 

"You're running away again just like you did that one time" 

"What time?" 

"When Sapnap brought up..you know" 

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