Extra #6

141 17 1

[Third person pov]

“I was thinking sleepover!”

Jisung enthused, throwing his arms in the air, basically beaming. It was going to be yet another sleepless night of hanging out, and he could only think of the many possibilities of fun.

Jisung was going to spend his night with his best friends -hyunlix- The boys were ready and tucked in for an awesome night. Hyunjin rushed over to the kitchen, raiding Jisung's fridge for a drink, Felix on the other hand stuffed his mouth with chips, Jisung was awe struck as he watched Felix munch away.

The door bell chimed, causing both Felix and Jisung to jolt up in alarm.

“Don't worry my man, I'll get it,” the bemused brunette watched as Felix waddled towards the door, flinging it open.

“Hi, Yuri noona!”

“Um, hi. Is Jisung around?”

The Australian wiggled his brows, a smirk spread on his lips “Is that Yuri?” was Jisung's faint voice from the kitchen.


The brown haired let out a scream, running upstairs “What's up with him?” Hyunjin asked leaning on the door frame.

“I think he's running from Yuri,” Felix spoke, scratching his hair in utter confusion.

“I am not,” Jisung yelled from where ever he was hiding and this only made Yuri sigh, really done with the younger.

She stomped her foot, eyes trained on where the blonde ran up to. “Han Peter Jisung!”

Hyunjin and Felix exchanged smug looks. “Oh snap!”

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