it's just a dream

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That special thing that reminded me that I'm precious was his eyes. I never thought he would turn upside down like that. I never thought I'd be Hurt from the most amazing person In the whole world. I couldn't live with the pain I been hiding all the time. From the first time I met him I couldn't believe I'd love him that much.
"He was just a boy! " my friends told me, but I kept telling them how special he was. He was my kind of perfect. He was just my source of hope. In a way I thought that if I told him how I feel he may change a little and then he could treat me like our first meeting.
"I kinda think that I like you. " I told him
"OMG! That's the best thing I heard from you, you are a lovely person and I fell in the glimmer of your eyes. " he said
We got closer as he took my hand and went to the beach, the goldy sand seemed to shine when the sun rays striked it's way into it. The sea waves were calm just as I was.
I was happy with him by my side. I was looking at the sea and then he threw a sand ball on my back saying " My dear let's play we're young in here ". I laughed. I couldn't think of what I could say. I threw water on his face and we kept playing till the sun set. We got tired then we layed and held hands while we looked at the sun and the beautiful colours of the sky.
I was happy and surely he was I could say from the way he looked at me..
When we got up and I started walking he grabbed my hand and then he looked in my eyes and I looked in his and then, "you are late!!!!! ". That's what I heard.
That's how I saw my reality. I couldn't think if it's a dream or not. "I was dreaming that's what I guess. " I said with tearful eyes. "I have to get ready for school " I said.
That day I was day dreaming about what happened and how things got in my head. " I have to tell him that's my last decision ".. School is over and I got home.. I ate lunch and was ready to tell him.
I texted him and said I need you in something important. He told me okay sure. I said : I like you and that's the truth...
The answer shocked me and kept me crying for days. I self harmed myself for him. I kept drowning in tears and no one knew. No one could help. His answer was a knife pressed to my heart. His answer was a gun shot to my soul. His answer was the worst answer in the whole world.

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