Rewind time

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After what happened to my heart I guess I should have let him go away.
I turned into a passionate person, all what mattered to me was him. His lovely eyes that sparkled in the dark. His soft hand when it touched mine. His sweet smile when he walked by the sea. All his problems were solved with a wise mind and a lovely smile. He used to tell me that "your smile is your life once it goes your life goes with it. "
     Time has passed and we didn't talk too much like before I guess he wasn't free for me. He was always willing to help me but he never thought about me the way I did. All what mattered was helping me.
Life started getting hard and I was all the time busy but when I heard his voice all my problems went away and I felt like I was flying over the moon and back with him. He never noticed that he was everything to me while I was nothing to him. I started to write, as I thought it may help him realize what he meant to me..
Whenever I see  him my heart beats fast as if it will jump out of my rib cage.. His eyes always reminded me of something special, something I couldn't think about, something that lingred over my mind and stopped in my heart, something that stopped my breathing for a moment to realize how precious I am.

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