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Today, we will be reviewing White Wine And Cigarettes by icecoffeeluver. It is a platonic story between Jason Todd and an OC Macy Stewart, focusing on themes of trauma, therapy, and healing. 


1. Title of the story:

White Wine and Cigarettes.

There's just something about this type of title that I like when you put two things together and they represent the theme for the story. I have done this myself in Milk and Cardamom and Gunpowder and Cocktails, I just love this technique of choosing a title. 

2: Cover of the story:

I love the cover. Not only does it represent the title but the way the image blurs in the corners and the way you have aligned the text all come together to give a very professional and minimalist look. The font choice and colors are also working well with each other.

3. Description of the story:

I think you like to experiment with your writing because in every story I have read so far, the pattern for the description is different. This type of description is what I would call the One Scene Description. Here you are writing a scene that is the premise of the book, shared wine, talking, and healing from past traumas all sum up what the story is about.

A citrusy flavor filled Macy's mouth. Swallowing it all within a second. Her glass left at her lips as she went to drink more. Besides her sits Jason Todd. He has a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Smoke blowing in the opposite direction from her, a wine glass in his hand, as Macy pours him some more. They do this every Thursday. Usually they grab some dinner and talk about past traumas. Slowly healing together with the help of white wine and cigarettes.

Here the readers get hooked on what could those past traumas be and how the characters are going to heal. So this is also a good way to capture your reader's attention and lure them to the story. The pattern seems like an intro to characters + setting + repetitive scene/habit + intended goal of the scene.

4. Character Dynamics:

The story is focused on Jason and Macy so I will only discuss these two.

Jason - I love the way you've shown Jason's character not only through the scenes of the story but also through how Macy sees him and explains the root causes of his certain behaviors. It was very refreshing for me to see him in that light. The way you have conveyed how his childhood and his past shaped his personality is also a good take on displaying the interconnection between our experiences to our behavior. I also like that you have managed to keep Jason's humor and lightheartedness while also focusing on the darker parts of his personality such as his anger, and his volatile behavior upon being confronted. The whole thing you explained about him being a caregiver due to role reversal in his childhood also makes sense and made me connect with him as a person.

Macy - Writing a therapist is difficult and I know because I am currently working on two characters of the same profession. We have to focus on their professional life as well as the impacts it has on their personal life so that's an added weightage while writing a character like that. So far, Macy comes off as a professional but she is a complex character, having her fair share of secrets and traumas. The fact that you included Macy's visit to a therapist in the starting chapters also gives a little insight into her character but other than that, she is still a mystery. I would like to see more about Macy as the story unfolds. 

5. Character Development:

I have seen development in both Jason and Macy even though the story has just begun. And I expect to see more positive character development by the end of the story. I like how Jason has started to open up to Macy and vice versa, that in itself is a good development for both characters who used to keep everything to themselves. 

6. Dialogue and Delivery:

I love the dialogue and the way Macy talks is just so calming. She explains everything establishing that level of transparency with Jason that I think he appreciates too. Despite the main focus being on Jason's traumas, you have managed to keep his humor and his caring nature intact so well done for that. 

7. Character Chemistry:

This is not a romantic plotline but the characters have great chemistry overall. They are good friends and understand each other which is a plus point. Of course, they have past traumas that they can bond over too and are willing to overcome with each other's help. I like their dynamic and the way they interact with each other so far.

8. Plot and Story Themes:

The plot for this story and the main theme is very unique which we don't normally get to see in DC fanfics. DC characters are most in need of therapy out of all the fandoms I have read so I am glad you are filling that gap and writing about it. Also, Jason is one of my favorite Batboys and he has been through so much. So seeing him decide to get help and get better is very endearing.

9. Writing Style:

Unlike your other stories, the writing style in this one is very clear and explanatory. The way you're explaining things about Jason's personality through Macy gives quite a clear insight into Jay's character which can be very helpful to other writers too who wish to write about him.

10. Areas of Improvement:

I haven't noticed any areas of improvement so far. If something needs clarification in the later chapters, I can talk to you about it through our inbox. As for all that you've posted so far, very well done!

11. My Personal Opinion or Ideas:

I look forward to finding out more about Macy's past as the story unfolds because that is one aspect of the story I have my full attention on. Other than that, I have a list of songs to recommend based on what I have read so far.

Song Recommendations:

Outlaw by Neoni for Jason.

Always, I'll Care by Jeremy Zucker for Jason. 

Angels Don't Cry by Ellise for Macy.

Coal by Dylan Gossett for Jason. I love this song and it fits him so well.

Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold for Macy.

Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS for Jason and Macy.

Save Tonight by Campsite Dream for this story in general. The lyrics match the whole theme of talking to each other over a bottle of wine. 

If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe ft. Julia Michaels as the theme song for this story. I feel like Jay and Macy are the sort of people who would be with each other if the world was ending, finding comfort in their company.

12. Concluding Remarks:

In short, this is one of the best stories I have read from you so far. I love the plot and theme as well as the character dynamics. I am looking forward to the next update and I wish you all the best for your ongoing and upcoming writing endeavors.


icecoffeeluver there aren't many platonic relationship stories on this site so thank you for writing this. I absolutely love Macy and Jason's dynamic as well as the theme of healing behind the story. I look forward to seeing your feedback on this review and I hope you found it helpful.

Link to the form that I'll also add in the comments section: https://forms.gle/AfUdLCWXkEtR4JyU6

Enjoy life, keep writing, and stay blessed.

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