(Chpt.3) Unforgivable.

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//Ciao! So sorry for the short chapter and the long wait! I've been busy!\\

Italy sat up with a soft yawn, rubbing his eyes. It took him a moment to recall what happened last night, and more importantly; Germany's absence. With another yawn Feliciano fell back, spreading his legs and arms out on the bed before noticing the letter on the night stand. "Dio..." He let out, turning his head and seeing the letter beside him on the  nightstand. Italy sat up quickly and began to read the note.

 Dear Feliciano, 

                                                                                                                       I understand what you're going through. I've been on you about everything and haven't really been kind, but there is a reason, it may not be the best, but... I had some thoughts recently and noticed your behavior. You have been all over the place and I am so afraid that I will need to let go of our friendship. It is not what you think, though: You might get hurt out on the battlefield and I would hate to see that. I'm tying to say this in the nicest way possible; please stay away from me for you safety. I'm too dangerous.

Feliciano sniffled, "I- I see.." the thought of running off for good stung him like a needle being pinched in his arm. He could not comprehend the thought of leaving Germany , even if he almost did last night. No matter what he done; he always made his way back to Germany. He stood up and began to walk to the bathroom. Once inside he threw up violently. All the stress of last night and the stress of the letter hit him like bricks. Italy couldn't think straight and sat up, swallowing, wiping his mouth. Prussia could hear from outside the bathroom and contemplated on whether or not he should approach the Italian. He did. Step by little step, wrapping his arms around Feliciano, making him jump in surprise. "You look like a need a hug." Prussia held him gently, "-and you need to wash up"he giggled.  

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