✧Chapter 23✧

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Swift stared at the scene in shock. Maple's body was completely crushed in the middle and his blood covered everything around, his chin was basically drowning in it. His eyes were at first wide, his pupils as small as they could get but they had clouded after a while. Everyone was looking at the lifeless body, except Alpha, who climbed over the tree trunk. The others eventualy made it there too and were greeted by the shocked, and sometimes relieved faces of Thornpack, staring at the lifeless body of their Alpha. Thistle looked furious and growled at Alpha as he jumped down the tree.

„You... You psycho! This wasn't supposed to happen! YOU were meant to die, not him. You killed him you idiots! How dare you?" he snapped.

„Self defence," Alpha said coldly while staring at him.

„You have to learn that not everything will always go your way," Rain said wisely, to which Thistle only growled more. Suddenly, Thistle jumped onto Alpha and pinned him to the ground.

„He dedicated his whole life on wipping you out of existance you freaks. He had everything perfectly prepared and yet you still ruined it. You'll pay for this Raven, and I mean it seriously. This will be my revenge!" Thistle said with a psychotic expretion. Swift knew Thistle was always loyal to Maple but this was another level of the word „obsessed". He looked as if he completely lost all sanity he had left.

But he had made the mistake of giving Alpha a speech before even trying to kill him. Within moments, Swift saw a smudged shape of a wolf, limping at the crazy wolf. He was surprised to see that it wasn't a wolf from his pack. It was a medium sized dark grey and white she-wolf with dark green eyes. She was growling at Thistle but smiled while looking at the Fieldpack wolves.

The Beta suddenly threw her off and attacked her. They continued fighting together and with the almost identical coloring, it was hard to tell them apart but the she-wolf was lighter and more agile. Swift never saw one, but he guessed this was a battle for the role of the new Alpha. The she-wolf had pinned Thistle down again, they were all bruised up but Thistle seemed to have been beaten. She turned to her packmates and howled.

„From now on, I will be your new Alpha, and Thistle is now demoted to Omega. Gorse, I'm choosing you as my new Beta," she said as the Thornpack wolves bowed down and a light brown wolf with yellow eyes came forward. Thornpack's new Alpha turned to Fieldpack. „My brother has always been stubborn. He just needs a few lessons," she said, looking down at Thistle, „Thank you so much. You saved us from Maple and his cruel leadership. We were being forced into unnessesary battles and abused on daily basis. We're very greatful for your help. My name is Ivy, if you ever need help, I will be glad to return your generousy," she looked up at Alpha again and the two shared a nod.

„You're welcome. Just get out of our territory now," Alpha said with an arogant look.

Ivy got off Thistle's side and climbed on top of the tree, followed by her pack. Thistle gave Fieldpack a furious gaze and turned back to leave. Alpha ignored him and set off towards their camp.

Swift walked in through the enterance and saw Beta and Dawn standing in the clearing. Dawn had a bleeding bite wound on her leg.

„What happened?" he said, worried for her.

„Oh, it's nothing. Some enemy attacked Kestrel so I had to protect her. Where were you?"

„We got rid of Maple and Ivy took over Thornpack. They left our territory, don't worry."

Everyone was in the clearing when Alpha howled to gather them closer. They all sat in a half circle in from of him.

„You have all fought well and did a great job. Well, except Omega," he said, throwing a vicious look at his brother.

„I did everything I could!" Omega said.

„It wasn't enough, that missing leg of yours is making you useless," Alpha growled.

„Do I have to remind you who's fault it is? Spit it out. Everything," Omega starled, ready to finaly stand up to his brother.

„Spit out what?"

„You know what I'm talking about!"

„Okay, I killed her! I killed Finch, happy?" Alpha growled. Everyone was shocked, except for Alpha, Omega and surprisingly Rain.

„Who's Finch?" whispered Dawn.

„No. No, you couldn't! Why?" Kestrel whined, almost crying.

„Ask Omega here," Alpha looked viciously at him.


„You caused all of this. You did this to yourself! We did everything and you left me for her. I thought that taking your leg would be enough for you to realize what you did to me but i was wrong. You continued ignoring me, so i had no choice," Alpha revealed his secret and Rain bared his teeth. Everyone else looked even more shocked and Swift realized just how dangerous he was.

„Atleast i'm not the one who killed my own brother's mate. What would you do if i killed Kestrel on the spot, right now, with your puppies in her belly? How would that feel?" Omega growled, while Beta looked scared. It seemed that he was holding the anger in for a long time, for even longer than Swift could remember and now he was letting it out.

„You wouldn't dare," Alpha said and the two brothers stared into each other's eyes. Obviously, Omega didn't dare to kill her. It seemed that he didn't want the blood of innocent, soon to be born pups and their mother on his paws. „That's what i thought, now bow down to me, or else," Alpha fixed his green gaze at the whole pack. Unsurprisingly, no one bowed down, now that everyone knew who he really was. „Traitors! I'm your Alpha! You'll learn to respect me!" The silence continued and everyone, except Beta had angry looks on their faces and some were baring their teeth. „Oh, so that's how it is? I promise, you will pay. I will rip out your fur and let you starve until you're all loyal to me!"

„We won't bow to a murderer," Dawn broke the silence, standing up for her pack. Alpha looked at her with a crazy, psychotic face and swiftly charged at her, pinning her to the ground and giving her a nasty cut above her right eye.

This was it. Fury caught Swift in it's cold, painful grip. He got into a crouch, bared his teeth, growled, narrowed his eyes, his pupils shrinking as he looked at Alpha. He lifted himself up with his long legs, performing a mighty jump at the black wolf. He pushed onto his side, getting him off Dawn and the two ended up rolling on the groud. Swift had him pinned down for a while but he quickly threw him off and bit into his back.

The battle continued and the tention rised but Swift had his speed on his side. Durring the fight, he remembered the prophecy, „Speed, wisdom and friendship will find the Sunrise valley and save the pack." His speed was the key, he had to save the pack from this monster. He dodged Alpha's attack, swiftly turned around and charged at him. He sank his teeth into the black wolf's throat as hard as he could, feeling the bitter taste of his blood in his mouth and threw him at the ground, releasing him from his grip.

Alpha fell to the ground, his eyes wide open. His blood splattered over the ground and his wound continued bleeding. He struggled for breath, making several strange sounds as everyone stared at the scene. Swift stood over him, feeling nothing but the sweet feeling of victory.

„Your control over this pack has come to an end, just like your pathetic life," he said, just before the black wolf closed his eyes and stopped moving. Swift looked at everyone who was standing in the half circle. Rain and Omega looked victorious and relieved. Mist, Thunder and Hawk all had a mixed expression of shock, confusion, relief and anger. Dawn looked shocked, happy and a bit scared. And then Kestrel, the Beta. She was sad, furious, shocked, satisfied, relieved and happy, all at the same time.

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